Marie Skłodowska-Curie (MSC) Individual Fellowship awarded to Dr. Evgeny K. Apartsin

Submitted by Prof Sabrina Pricl on Sun, 14/07/2019 - 09:25

Dear COSTers,

it is a pleasure to announce that our CA17140 member fro m Russia, Dr. Evgeny K. Apartsin, has been awarded the MSC Individual fellowship with the project "Design of multifunctional phosphorous dendritic systems for drug delivery" — EUREKA (grant No. 844217).

Dr. Apartsin will carry out the scientific activity of his MSC project in France, at the Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination of the CNRS in Toulouse, France, in collaboration with Prof. Jean-Pierre Majoral and Prof. Anne-Marie Caminade.

The abstrct of Dr. Apartsin's project is reported below.

The whole CA17140 community congratulates Dr. Apartsin on his great achievement!

Dr. Apartsin's MSC Project abstract:

The aim of the project is to provide the interdisciplinary training to young talented researcher Dr. Evgeny Apartsin, specialist in biomaterials science and nucleic acid therapy, to become highly qualified world class researcher. The Applicant proposes an interdisciplinary approach for the design of multifunctional phosphorous dendritic systems for the delivery of therapeutic nucleic acids in vitro and in vivo. During the project implementation, novel stimuli-sensitive supramolecular constructions based on phosphorous dendrimers and dendrons will be created to be used as carriers for chemodrugs and nucleic acids. The synthetic part of work will be done in the Host organization, which is world leading institution in the dendrimer science and applications. The physics-chemical and biological parts will be done in collaboration with the Partner organization together with recognized specialists in biophysics, molecular and cell biology. At the last stage of the project, the synthesis of best candidate therapeutic constructions will be transferred to the industry. The Applicant will receive numerous scientific trainings from the experts in macromolecules and medicinal chemistry, molecular biology and industrial technology as well as additional trainings on project management and funding, public dissemination of results, presenting and teaching. The trainings and the implementation of this project (knowledge, skills, papers, patents, etc.) will help the Applicant to be efficiently integrated into the European and international science at highest level.


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Funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme
of the European Union