A series of webinars to ensure continuing education and dissemination in our Action

Submitted by Prof Sabrina Pricl on Fri, 29/01/2021 - 11:21

Dear COSTers,

Given the terrible ongoing COVID-19 pandemic the Action CG, during the last virtual meeting hold on Jan 29, 2021,  decided to launch a continuing series of webinars on subjects focused on the Actions WGs.

These seminars will be held on a regular once-a-month basis. The WG leaders and vice leaders will be in charge organizing and managing the webinars pertaining to their own WG. The invitation containing all webinar information will be sent in due time to all Action members by the webinar organizers.

Please note that:

1) Each webinar will consist in a training part (i.e., a lecture offered by a senior scientist) and a dissemination part, in which young participants (e.g., early carrier investigators (ECI) and PhD students) will present her/his scientific work and results achieved within the Action. In particular, all scientists who benefitted from STSMs (including PhD students, ECIs and senior scientists) will be invited to contribute to the dissemination part of the webinars.

2) The total length of the seminar will be 1.5 hours. In detail, the first hour will be devoted to a training presentation + Q&A time, while the dissemination part will last 30 minutes (also featuring a Q&A part at the end of the presentation).

3) The training part should not have a general character but should be rather focused on specific topics (e.g., a synthetic method, a specific characterization technique, an in vitro/in vivo methodology, one a given issue in standardization/regulation etc.).

4) Industrial partners from within and possibly outside the action will also be involved in the training part of the webinars, in order to foster one of the action pillars.

5) All webinars will be recorded and posted on an Action YouTube channel, in order to comply with general public dissemination. The presentation slides will be hosted on the Action website on a dedicated page.

6) Individual presence at these webinars will be noted, as for other previous “in person” action initiatives (e.g., Action conference, WG meetings, etc.), as participant statistics constitute important Action data for the EC.

Your action chair and myself (as vice chair and dissemination manager) strongly and heartily urge you to join this initiative, both in the active and passive mode on a regular basis. It is our duty to act and support our Action in these unprecedented times.

On behalf of the entire CG members

See you all on Zoom soon

Barbara Klajnert-Maculewicz and Sabrina Pricl

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