Nanotechnology Meets Nanomedicine

Event type

Summer School

Vilnius University
Vilnius, Lithuania

Dear COSTers,

We are pleased to invite you and your colleagues (master and PhD students) to attend the Summer School "Nanotechnology Meets Nanomedicine" that will take place in Vilnius, Lithuania, from 27th to 300th June 2019.

This Summer School is a meeting point for young scientists that are interested in Nanotechnology and its application in medicine. The summer school will focus on the theoretical background (lectures on Vibrational spectroscopy, Lasers, Nanoparticles, Microscopy and so on.) and practical training (ImageJ program, demo of microfluidics and microwave reactors).

More information you find on our website

We are looking to see you and your colleagues in Vilnius!

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Funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme
of the European Union