First CA17140 Newsletter



  • First CA17140 Training School in Trieste, Italy
  • Report from the first call of STSMs
  • WG1 Meeting in Madeira, Portugal
  • Report from the First CA17140 Conference, Riga, Latvia

First CA17140 Training School, April 8-11 2019, University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy

The First CA17140 Training School was held in early April 2019 at the University of Trieste. Ten world leading scientists from industry and academia lectured the 54 participating students on topics covering all topics of the Action WGs, from the computer-designed cancer nanomedicines to their clinical translational aspects. In line with the spirit of the Action, some lectures tackled the less paved roads of cancer nanomedicine industrial perspectives, such as GMP production and intellectual property issues.

The School saw the enthusiastic participation of young scientists from all over Europe (PT, RU, HR, TR, RS, IE, IL, UK, FI, PL, CY, CH, EL, CZ, LV, NO, RO, IT, SI and DE), and the feedback received was excellent, scoring on average 4.5 out of 5.

Report from the first call of STSMs


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Funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme
of the European Union