PhD student in Interdisciplinary Brain Cancer Nanomedicine. Dr. Nanasaheb Thorat. Ireland

PhD student in Interdisciplinary Brain Cancer Nanomedicine at the Bernal Institute and Department of Physics, University of Limerick, Ireland

Dr. Nanasaheb Thorat, M.Sc.Ph.D., MRSC 

Medical Science Division, John Radcliffe Hospital.


 We are looking for a motivated PhD student with interests in brain cancer nanomedicines, magnetic and plasmonic nanoparticle synthesis, and the patient-derived tumor model development, to join an exciting project here at the University of Limerick from 1st June 2022.
Please email to () a CV and cover letter with previous research experience to express your interest.  

Project description:
This PhD student position is available in my own group jointly associate with Prof. Tofail Syed and Prof. Christophe Silien. The project addresses brain cancer cells mitochondrial targeting using magneto-plasmonic nanomedicine and further analysis using Raman Spectroscopy/Microscopy.
This PhD position will sit within a well-funded research program of SFI-IRC, Govt of Ireland.
PhD position is funded for 4 years, tuition fee for European Union (EU) candidate or Non EU candidate will be covered, monthly stipend, travel and contingency grant for 4 years.  

Qualification requirements:
In order to meet the general entry requirements, the applicant must have completed a master’s degree, in Physics, Chemistry, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Nanoscience, or Nanotechnology.

 Required/Desirable Skills:
1. Synthesis of Inorganic nanoparticles and their characterizations
2. cell culture, hands-on 3D cell cultures, if the candidate has experience with working on patient-derived cancer models that will be highly desirable.
3. Familiar with Raman spectroscopy and its clinical applications.



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Funded by the European Union