The 10th Science and the Action seminar has been delivered in a very effective format by a set of speakers from the jointed groups of BNN and JR Health from Austria on Friday September 8 2022, from 10:30 to 11:30 am CET. Our colleagues discussed with us on Mission Cancer - facts and expertise, as follows:
10:30 – 10:35 Welcome & introduction (Susanne Resch, BNN)
10:35 – 11:00 “Drug testing methods for personalized cancer therapy” (Dr. Christoph Magnes, JR HEALTH)
11:00 – 11:25 Interactive session addressing the Mission Cancer key topics (Susanne Resch & Andreas Falk, BNN)
11:25 – 11:30 Conclusion & closing (Andreas Falk, BNN)
The recordings of the seminar can be accessed here.
During the Interactive session addressing the Mission Cancer key topics, our friends led us to an exciting exercise based on the Mural Visual Collaboration format. In this activity, the Austrian colleagues prepared a canvas with the 4 key objectives of Mission Cancer (1 Understanding of cancer, 2 Prevention and early detection, 3 Diagnosis and treatment, and 4 Quality of life for patients and their families) and invited us to add a sticky note with our expertise (keywords, ongoing project, etc.) under each key objective with the purpose of mapping of expertise & brainstorming on future projects.
The results of the Mural interactive session can be downloaded from this page and will be a great stepping stone to be exploited in a foreseen Action "hackaton" on the Action future.