Dear Action members, dear friends and colleagues,
in order to foster the public engagement aspects of our action, and to reach the relevant goals, I have decided to launch the following initiative based on my own resources:
to gather as many #MyCA17140memories as possible in a form of messages directed to the general public (see below for details). These will be collected, published on our website on this dedicated page and on social media, and forwarded to the COST Head Quarters. The Science Officer and the CG members enthusiastically approved this idea.
I am definitely sure that within our great community there will be plenty of wonderful messages to share with the European citizens and all European neighboring countries.
The type of messages I expect to receive should mandatorily contain these two topics: 1) what this action meant to me and 2) how citizens will benefit from the activities performed in this Action. In your message, remember to mention the Action number (CA17140) and the Action title (Cancer Nanomedicine - from the Bench to the Bedside” or Nano2Clinic if you prefer). The message might concern the full Action activity and scope or can it be confined to one WG (in this case, you need to specify the WG and the scope of the WG).
You can choose your preferred format. It could be a photo with a caption, short story, audio/video recording of your memory, a poem, song, artwork, comedy sketch, short play, post for Instagram or Twitter etc. Whatever format you feel comfortable with is fine by me. However, it must comply with points 1) and 2).
The deadline for submissions is February 28, 2023.
Each #MyCA17140memories must be sent to me via email at the official cost address: . For large files or videos, please send a link to a safe repository from which the material can be downloaded.
Our Action really needs your efforts in this initiative, as we must fulfill the goal of public engagement, as you remember from our last MC and WG info day presentations. This initiative could be a very effective one.
Many thanks for your time and I look forward to receiving your memories and share it with the global citizen community.
Sabrina - your Action Chair