Action Participants - Action Members
Dr. Chem. Aiva Plotniece ()
Working Groups 1 and 2
Laboratory of Membrane Active Compounds and β-diketones
Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis
Riga, Latvia
Dr. Plotniece’s group deals with the design and synthesis of new synthetic lipid-like amphiphiles as delivery systems. The group activity includes compound structure modification, chemico-physical characterization, studies of formation and properties of nanoaggregates, definition of structure-activity relationships. Equipments include Zetasizer Nano ZSP and Langmuir-Blodgett Trough (KSV NIMA).
Prof. Aleksandra Porjazoska Kujundziski ()
Working Groups 1 and 2
Department of Industrial Engineering
International Balkan University
Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
Prof. Porjazoska Kujundziski's group deals with the preparation and characterization of polymer nanomaterials, biodegradable and non-biodegradable polymer systems for targeted and controlled drug release and tissue engineering.
Dr. Alexander Bilewicz ()
Working Groups 1 and 4
Nuclear Chemistry and Radiochemistry Center
Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology
Warsaw, Poland
The group studies synthesis of the radiactive nanoparticles labelled with diagnostic (Zr-89) and therapeutic (Ra-223, 177Lu, 212Pb) radionuclides. The obtained bioconjugates are studied for stability and in vitro for internalization, radiotoxicity, and receptor affinity. Detection methods include radiometric detectors, plate readers, confocal microscopy and flow cytometry.
Dr. Alexandra R. Fernandez ()
Working Group 3
Laboratory of Human Genetics and Cancer therapeutics @ FCT, Department of Life Sciences
UCIBIO, Faculdade Ciências e Tecnologia (FCT), Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
Lisbon, Portugal
Prof. Fernandez’s is dedicated to developing/validating novel therapeutics for cancer therapy using in vitro (2D/3D co-cultures) and in vivo models, by targeting pathways that are activated in cancer cells, or more recently by targeting exosome biogenesis and fusion with recipient cells. She is a co-founder of NANO4 Global Lda (with Prof. Pedro V. Baptista) involved in the development of nanodiagnostics and scaling-up production at the industrial scale.
Prof. Alexey Popov ()
Working Groups 1 and 2
Biophotonics group
Optoelectronics and Measurement Techniques unit, Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
University of Oulu
Oulu, Finland
The biophotonics group develops optical technologies for biomedical diagnostics at tissue and cell levels. In particular, we employ an optical tweezers technique allowing for non-destructive measurements of interaction forces between red blood cells. Optical tweezers are a convenient and promising tool to address safety of new drugs by assessing their effects on red blood cells adhesion.
Prof. Amir Fahmi ()
Working Groups 1 and 2
Faculty Technology and Bionics
Rhein-Waal University of Applied Sciences
Kleve, Germany
Prof. Fahmi's main contribution to the Cost Action is to fight cancer cells by using hybrid nanostructured materials based on dendrimers/polymerics tempalted in-situ inorganic nanomoieties.
Dr. Amitav Sanyal ()
Working Groups 1 and 3
Department of Chemistry
Bogazici University
Bebek/Istanbul, Turkey
Dr. Sanyal's main research focus is on the development of polymers and nanomaterials for anticancer drug delivery.
Dr. Ana Stanković ()
Working Group 2
Institute of Technical Sciences of the Serbian Academy of Science and Arts
Belgrade, Serbia
Dr. Ana Stanković's research interest is focused on synthesis and characterization of ZnO-based materials, nanotechnology, nanomedicine, biomedical engineering, biomaterials, drug delivery, colloids, nanotoxicity, physico-chemical characterization of nanomaterials.
Dr. Ana Paula Candiota ()
Working Group 3
Grup d’Aplicacions Biomèdiques de la RMN
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology/Biosciences Unit
CIBER – Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelo
Barcelona, Spain
Preclinical and clinical biomedical applications of magnetic resonance (MR). Preclinical studies of new contrast agents, ex vivo and in vivo. MR-based molecular imaging of brain tumors, for noninvasive assessment of therapy response and immune system involvement through MR-based surrogate biomarker detection.
Dr. Ana Vujacic Nikezic ()
Working Group 2
Laboratory of Physical Chemistry
Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade
Belgrade, Serbia
Dr. Vujacic Nikezic's group is developing new types of nanosystems as potential drug carriers in anticancer therapy. Activity includes synthesis and characterization of nanosystems and investigation of their bioreactivity and biocompatibility. Available laboratory facilities include UV-Vis spectrophotometry, Zeta-sizerNano, FTIR Spectrometer, AFM, UPLC/MS, and ICP/MS.
Prof. Angel Raya ()
Working Groups 1, 2 and 3
Center of Regenerative Medicine in Barcelona
Barcelona, Spain
Prof. Angel Raya’s group has led to breakthrough contributions to the fields of heart development and regeneration, as well as to the development of pluripotent stem cell-based applications. Current research interests are to conduct fundamental research of excellence for advancing the clinical translation of regenerative medicine strategies based of pluripotent stem cells, including personalized medicine strategies for cancer, with special emphasis on hereditary cancers, like colorectal cancer. Our activities include the most novel strategies of cancer modeling based on human iPS cells and organoids. Currently available facilities at Prof. Raya’s lab, besides state-of-the-art laboratories and stem cell culture facilities, include Technical Platforms offering specialized support in Advanced Cell/Tissue Culture, Aquatic Animals, Embryo Micromanipulation, Bioimaging and Histology, Flow Cytometry.
Dr. Angels Sierra ()
Working Groups 3 and 4
Laboratory of Molecular and Translational Oncology
Institut de Investigació Biomèdica August Pi I Sunyer (IDIBAPS)
Barcelona, Spain
Dr. Sierra's brain metastasis group is a multidisciplinary and multi-institutional team composed by clinicians and basic researchers who aim to develop novel strategies to improve the treatment and prevention of brain metastasis. Currently available we have experimental models to drug therapy efficacy assessment: xenografts/syngeneic models and PDX.
Prof. Ann Mari Holseater ()
Working Groups 1 and 2
The Drug Transport and Delivery Research Group, Department of Pharmacy
University of Tromsø, The Arctic University of Norway
Tromsø, Norway
Prof. Holsaeter's expertise regarding advanced nano-sized drug delivery systems in anticancer therapy includes the formulation and characterization of liposomes and lipid based nano-delivery systems. The group is also interested in investigating the potential of adding multiple drugs/active ingredients into the same liposome carrier to achieve synergistic antitumor activity and improved therapy. Our lab has a broad selection of liposome processing tools, including a high-intensity ultrasonic processor, a LM20 Microfluidizer® High Shear Fluid Processor, The DAC150.1 FVZ-K Speedmixer, the High pressure Lipex® extruder and a APV Micron Lab-40 high pressure homogenizer. Our experimental tools for characterization of our nanoformulations, include standard equipment such as HPLC, plate readers, pH-meter, Osmometer, and advanced equipment for particle characterization (size and zeta potential); The PSS-NICOMP Accusizer 780/SIS and the Malvern Zetasizer ZS DLS.
Dr. Anna Laurenzana ()
Working Group 3
Laboratory of Nanomedicine and Cell Therapy, Department of Biomedical and Clinical Science, “Mario Serio”
University of Florence
Florence, Italy
Dr. Laurenzana's research is focused on the application of plasmonic and magnetic hyperthermia for cancer treatment. She is currently combining cell-based therapies and near-infrared (NIR) absorbing gold nanoparticles to achieve an efficient targeting of tumour cells providing a strong hyperthermia effect. Cell culture and immunohistochemistry facilities are available in the Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences and several equipements such as Real-time PCR, Confocal-fluorescence microscopy, Flow cytometry. Small animal stabulation and transgenesis with SPF sterile room for immunodeficient animals are also available.
Dr. Antonio Paulo ()
Working Groups 1 and 3
Radiopharmaceutical Sciences Group, Centro de Ciências e Tecnologias Nucleares (C2TN)
Instituto Superior Técnico/Universidade de Lisboa
Lisboa, Portugal
Dr. Paulo's research focuses on the design and evaluation of nanoparticles (NPs) for biomedical applications, namely radiolabeled NPs for PET or SPECT imaging and targeted radionuclide therapy (TRT). Our group has expertise in chemistry, radiochemistry, and biological sciences, and run dedicated facilities for: i) chemical synthesis, including solid-phase peptide synthesis; ii) radiosynthesis; iii) biochemical, molecular biology, and cellular studies; iv) animal studies.
Prof. Antonio Villaverde ()
Working Group 3
Nanotechnology Laboratory, Institute for Biotechnology and Biomedicine
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
Barcelona, Spain
Prof. Antonio Villaverde develops protein-based nanoscale materials and protein drugs for biomedical applications, including precision medicine for metastatic cancer.
Prof. Antonios Kanaras ()
Working Groups 1 and 3
Laboratory of Inorganic Nanoparticles and Applications
School of Physics and Astronomy, Institute for Life Sciences
University of Southampton
Southampton, United Kingdom
Prof. Kanaras current research related to this Cost action involves the design of nanoparticles for tumor angiogenesis inhibition, skin penetration, mRNA sensing and anticancer drug delivery in cells, and stem cell sorting. The interests of the Kanaras group are focusing on the conjugation of nanoparticles with biomolecular ligands of interest (e.g. peptides, oligonucleotides, etc..), the understanding of the nanoparticle-cell interactions and the design of nanoparticles with multiple roles.
Dr. Atida Selmani ()
Working Groups 2 and 3
Laboratory for Biocolloids and Surface Chemistry, Division of Physical Chemistry
Rudjer Boskovic Institute
Zagreb, Croatia
Dr. Selmani is working on selenium nanoparticles (SeNPs) synthesis and physico-chemical characterization, assessment of stability, aggregation, uptake, and fate in relevant biological media for the further development of SeNPs as an anticancer vehicle.
Dr. Aura Tintaru ()
Working Groups 1, 2 and 3
Institute of Radical Chemistry - UMR 7273 (ICR UMR7273)
Aix-Marseille Université
Marseille, France
Dr. Aura Tintaru is currently working on the development of new analytical methodologies in order to accurately characterize the structure of nanotheranostics. The methods used involve state-of-the-art NMR and MS experiments; the results provide useful information about the purity, size, and shape of the aggregates.
Prof. Aysegul Oksuz ()
Working Group 1
Laboratory of Physical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry
Suleyman Demirel University
Merkez/Isparta, Turkey
Prof. Oksyz's laboratory main research objectives are: designing nano-/micromotors for cancer diagnosis and drug delivery systems developing synthesis, modification of conducting polymers, electrically conductive blends and composites, nanocomposites, biosensors, plasma polymerization, plasma modification, electrochromic devices, nanofibers, photovoltaics.
Dr. Badr Kaoui ()
Working Group 1
Biomechanics and Bioengineering Laboratory
CNRS and Univesite de Technologie de Compiegne
Compiègne, France
I study targeted and controlled drug delivery from drug-carrier particles (capsules, liposomes, and nanoparticles). I am interested in biological and biomedical problems occurring at the mesoscopic scale and involving fluid-structure interaction with mass and/or heat transfer. I am using and constantly developing state-of-the-art numerical methods (e.g. the lattice-Boltzmann method) to perform multi-physics computer simulations.
Dr. Barbara Canonico ()
Working Groups 2 and 3
Laboratory of cellular biology, Department of Biomolecular Sciences, Section of Morphology, Physiology and Environmental Biology
University of Urbino Carlo Bo
Urbino, Italy
Dr. Barbara Canonico is working on lethal and sublethal effects (on tumoral and normal cells) induced by different dendrimers, mainly by Flow Cytometry and Confocal microscopy. The laboratory activity includes monitoring of surviving and Death processes, including necrosis, apoptosis, autophagy, oncosis, and necroptosis. Furthermore, Dr. Canonico expertise in Exosome detection and characterization is helpful for a double purpose: a) to be already able to work with nano dimensions and b) to better characterize the autophagic and lysosomal exocytosis process.
Prof. Bernhard Knapp ()
Working Groups 1 and 2
Basic Sciences Department, Bioinformatics and Immunoinformatics Research Group
UIC Barcelona
Barcelona, Spain
We provide novel insight in fundamental processes of the immune system by means of quantitative analysis and predictive models (e.g. Protein structure modeling, Molecular Dynamics, Monte Carlo simulations, Machine learning, Genetic Algorithms, Artificial Neural Networks, etc). More specifically the work focuses on how T-cell receptors (TCRs) recognize Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) bound peptides in different health and disease conditions as for example allergies, cancer, autoimmune diseases, or infections. Apart from TCR/peptide/MHC interactions also antibody/antigen interactions are a key research interest of the group.
Assist. Prof. Bilge Guvenc Tuna ()
Working Group 3
Department of Biophysics
Faculty of Medicine, Yeditepe University
Ataşehir/İstanbul, Turkey
Prof. Tuna’s group is developing new aptamer conjugated targeted and controlled nano-drug delivery systems for the treatment of atherosclerosis. Currently, cell culture and in-vivo cancer and cardiovascular disease models can be performed in her lab.
Prof. Biljana Ristic ()
Working Group 3
Laboratory of Immunology, Institute of Microbiology and Immunology, Faculty of Medicine
University of Belgrade
Belgrade, Serbia
We are investigating antitumor potential different nanoparticles (ex. graphene quantum dots-GQD) in vitro. We are analyzing their biocompatibility, cellular uptake, localization, and underlying mechanisms of antitumor effects (type of cell death, role of oxidative stress, and autophagy) on different tumor cell lines.
Dr. Blanca Laffon ()
Working Group 3
Laboratory of Toxicology, Department of Psychology, Universidade da Coruña
Our research group investigates the cellular and molecular effects of different types of nanomaterials intended for biomedical applications in a variety of cell models. Complementarily, physical-chemical characteristics of the nanomaterials and their cellular uptake are also determined.
Prof. Boris Majaron ()
Working Group 2
Department for Complex Matter
Jozef Stefan Institute
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Prof. Majaron is working in the field of biomedical optics, which involves development of innovative techniques for noninvasive characterization of biological tissues and organs, laser treatments of various pathologies, and nanostructures for bioimaging and photothermal therapy. The expertise and techniques in the group include optical spectroscopy (absorption, fluorescence and lifetimes), Raman microscopy, SWIR radiometry, DLS, and numerical modeling of light-tissue interaction.
Dr. Božana Petrovic ()
Working Groups 1 and 2
Laboratory of Atomic Physics
Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade
Belgrade, Serbia
Dr. Petrvic's research is focused on the synthesis of new materials to serve as carriers for targeted and controlled delivery of anticancer drugs.
Dr. Branislav Nastasijevic ()
Working Group 3
Laboratory of Physical Chemistry
Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade
Belgrade, Serbia
Dr. Nastasijevic is engaged in the project, which investigates the interaction of the enzyme with toxic and pharmacologically active molecules as well as their influence on cell proliferation. Compounds used for these studies are metal complexes, herbal extracts and their constituents, as well as functionalized nanoparticles. Within the laboratory, the available instruments are UPLC with PDA, TQD and FLD detectors, ATR-FTIR, GC-MS and ICP-OES.
Prof. Brigitte Voit ()
Working Groups 1 and 2
Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry
Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e.V.
Dresden, Gernany
School of Science, Faculty of Chemistry and Food Chemistry
Technische Universität Dresden
Dresden, Germany
Prof. Voit’s group carries out the design, synthesis and deep physical-chemical characterization of multifunctional, bioactive and responsive polymer structures and associates for use in nanomedicine. This work comprises especially dendritic polymers with special emphasize on glycodendrimers, but also responsive polymersomes and nanocapsules as well as multicompartment structure for drug delivery as well as cell mimetics.
Prof. Bruno Sarmento ()
Working Groups 1, 2, 3 and 4
Nanomedicines & Translational Drug Delivery, Institute of Biomedical Engineering
University of Porto
Porto, Portugal
Prof. Bruno Sarmento’s current research is focused on the development of functionalized nanomedicines and their application in the pharmaceutical and biomedical fields. In particular, nanoformulations of biopharmaceutical drugs and molecules with pharmacokinetic issues with interest in cancer. The group has establish several cell-based in vitro models to assess the functionality of nanomedicines and in vivo animal models to evaluate PK/PD profiles. He has also specialized in mucosal tissue engineering models to validate functionalized nanomedicines and to perform in vitro/in vivo correlation.
Dr. Camillo Rosano ()
Working Groups 1 and 3
Laboratory of Proteomics
IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino
Genoa, Italy
Dr. Rosano is developing new vector nanomedicines for targeting lung cancer.
Prof. Carla Sofia Pinheiro Vitorino ()
Working Groups 1 and 3
Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Technology
Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Coimbra
Coimbra, Portugal
Prof. Vitorino's group has applied nanotechnology in drug permeation enhancement strategies for transdermal, oral and drug delivery systems to brain targeting based on a Quality by Design perspective. Prof. Vitorino has also developed nanomedicines as therapeutic alternatives for glioblastoma treatment and of a Nose-to-Brain system for the treatment of depression, with particular incidence on drug-resistant depression.
Dr. Carles Arús ()
Working Group 3
Grup d’Aplicacions Biomèdiques de la RMN
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology/Biosciences Unit
CIBER – Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelo
Barcelona, Spain
Preclinical and clinical biomedical applications of magnetic resonance (MR). Preclinical studies of new contrast agents, ex vivo and in vivo. MR-based molecular imaging of brain tumours, for noninvasive assessment of therapy response and immune system involvement through MR-based surrogate biomarker detection.
Dr. Carlo Morasso ()
Working Groups 2 and 4
Laboratory of Nanomedicine and Molecular Imaging
Istituti Clinici Scientifici Maugeri IRCCS
Pavia, Italy
ICS Maugeri is a private research hospital recognised as centre of excellence by the Italian Ministry of Health (IRCCS) focused on the treatment of cancerous and chronic diseases. The Nanomedicine and Molecular Imaging Laboratory is focused on the development nano-delivery systems and contrast agents for the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer.
Dr. Carlos Rodriguez-Abreu ()
Working Group 2
Colloidal and Interfacial Chemistry Group
Institute for Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia (IQAC), Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)
Biomedical Research Networking Center in Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBER-BBN)
Barcelona, Spain
Dr. Rodriguez-Abreu's group deals with the development of colloidal multifunctional nanocarriers as delivery systems. The group activity includes formulation and physicochemical characterization. Currently available facilities include Dynamic and Static Light Scattering, Rheometry, SAXS, Gas sorption, High resolution Optical Microscopy, etc.
Prof. Catarina Pinto-Reis ()
Working Groups 2, 3 and 4
Faculty of Pharmacy
Nanostructured Systems for Overcoming Biological Barriers (Nano2B) from iMedUlisboa
University of Lisboa
Lisboa, Portugal
Prof. Pinto-Reis is developing new nanomedicines through a multidisciplinary platform; it has been focused on development and biological evaluation of drug delivery systems for oral, dermal and transdermal delivery, with special interest on metallic and polymeric nanocarriers. Other interests are the establishment of animal models of cancer and metabolic diseases. The laboratory activity includes nanomedicine design, chemico-physical characterization of the resultant nanosystems and their in vitro/in vivo characterization. Currently available facilities at iMedUlisboa are: cell culture facility, biosafety level 3, gene expression, animal facility, radioisotope, molecular bio screening, bioimaging, computer-assisted drug design, nuclear magnetic resonance, mass spectrometry, etc.
Prof. Claudio Nastruzzi ()
Working Groups 1 and 2
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences/Biomaterials & Encapsulation Laboratory (BEL)
University of Ferrara
Ferrara, Italy
Prof. Nastruzzi's group is working on drug delivery, polymeric nano- and micro-systems, solid lipid nanoparticles, liposomes and microemulsions, microfluidics and lab-on-a-chip, and cell encapsulation.
Dr. Corina Lorz ()
Working Group 3
Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Group
Molecular Oncology Unit, Department of Basic Research
Madrid, Spain
Our group works in collaboration with organic, inorganic chemists and biotechnologists, to develop guided nano-systems and viral nanoparticles for drug delivery in head and neck cancer. We do in vitro and in vivo studies to assess the uptake, distribution, mechanism of action as well as the chemotherapeutic potential, pharmacokinetics and safety of our nano-systems. Our final goal is to improve adhesion to treatment regimens and to extend chemotherapy to patients previously considered unfit in the context of head and neck cancer.
Dr. Cosmin Farcau ()
Working Group 2
Center for Nanobiophotonics and Laser Microspectroscopy (CNLM)
Interdisciplinary Research Institute on Bio-Nano-Sciences
Babes-Bolyai University
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Dr. Farcau research focuses on fabrication of nanostructured surfaces by colloidal convective self-assembly and colloidal lithography, optical properties simulations and characterisation, optical spectroscopies (Surface Enhanced Raman, Surface-Enhanced Fluorescence), and applications to sensing. Currently available facilities at CNLM include optical spectrophotometers, metal film deposition system, home-made convective self-assembly setup, confocal
Raman microscope, and Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging.
Dr. Cristina Limatola ()
Working Group 3
Department of Physiology and Pharmacology
Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza
Roma, Italy
Our research group is focused on the study of the molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in brain cancers and in testing the efficacy of combined anticancer therapy mediated by nanocarriers in animal models. We use nanocarriers to transport miRNA or drugs that interfere with the suppression of the immune reactions against tumor cells. Our laboratories are equipped with animal facilities, molecular biology, biochemistry and microscopy facilities, a new NMR metabolomic facility, and electrophysiological set-ups for in vitro and ex vivo recordings.
Dr. Danail Hristozov ()
Working Groups 2 and 3
East European Research and Innovation Enterprise (EMERGE)
Dr. Danail Hristozov is developing strategies and (software) tools for the safety assessment and risk-benefit analysis of nano(bio)materials used in medical applications.
Prof. Daniel Jaque ()
Working Groups 2 and 3
Fuorescence Imaging Group, Department of Physics of Materials, Department of Biology and Department of Physiology
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Madrid, Spain
Prof. Jaque´s group is currently working on the development of novel nanomaterals for deep tissue imaging, controlled thermo-therapies and molecular imaging of cardiovascular system in small animal models. Prof. Jaque´s group is able to perform in vivo and in vitro studies and has a number of different techniques for advanced characterization of nanomaterials (optical spectroscopy, electron microscopy, characterization of colloidal suspension , etc..).
Prof. Daniel Ruiz Molina ()
Working Groups 2 and 3
Nanostructured Functional Materials (Nanosfun)
Istitut Catala de Nanociencia I Nanotecnologia (ICN2)
Barcelona, Spain
Nanosfun research group has focused on the design, synthesis, physicochemical characterization, and in vitro/in vivo assays for the development of new nanoconstructs based on organic polymers and metal-organic coordination polymers with application in specific diseases.
Prof. Daniele Passarella ()
Working Group 1
Department of Chemistry
University of Milan
Milan, Italy
Prof. Passarella’s group is developing new self-assembled nanoparticles by chemical modification of known anticancer drugs as building blocks. This approach produces hetero-nanoparticles (combination therapy) and fluorescent nanoparticles. Currently available facilities at Prof. Passarella’s lab are: chemical synthesis, chemical purification, NMR and MS analysis, nanoparticles characterization, and in silico design.
Dr. David Kryza ()
Working Groups 1 and 2
Laboratoire d'Automatique, de Génie des Procédés et de génie Pharmaceutique, LAGEPP, UMR5007
University of Lyon
Lyon, France
Dr. David Kryza’s group is developing new theranostics nanomedicines thanks to the IMTHERNAT platform. IMTHERNAT is a preclinical platform devoted to the transfer of probes (either molecules or nanoparticles) from bench to bedside. It is based within the Hospices Civils de Lyon, closely linked to LAGEP. It is composed of imaging systems (μSPECT-CT, optical imaging), small animal housing unit and radiochemistry laboratory allowing to perform diagnostics imaging or therapeutical studies. Radiopharmacist and nuclear medicine physician associated with biologists and physicists possesses all the expertise to translate tracers (peptides, MAbs) and nano-objects to the clinic.
Dr. Domenico Marson ()
Working Groups 1, 2, 3 and 4
Molecular Biology and Nanotechnology Lab (MolBNL@UniTS)
Department of Engineering and Architecture
University of Trieste
Trieste, Italy
Dr. Marson is active in the discovery of new cancer nanomedicines from computer-assisted design to their in vitro activity. The MolBNL@UniTS Lab has access to local and national/international supercomputers for the in silico studies, synchrotron radiation facility for structural studies, different spectroscopic, spectrophotometric, and other analytical instruments for nanomedicine characterization, including CD-based stopped-flow apparatus and isothermal titration calorimetry for kinetic and thermodynamic measurements. Different naive and drug-resistant cell lines are also available for in vitro efficacy of nanomedicines.
Prof. Dganit Danino ()
Working Group 2
Self Assembly and CryoEM Laboratory of Soft Matter
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Haifa, Israel
Prof. Danino's group research includes (1) Design and development of lipid and protein nanostructured carriers for oral drug delivery and (2) State of the art cryo-electron microscopy including 3D cryo-tomography for analyzing soft molecular assemblies as micelles, vesicles etc’, in addition to physico-chemical characterization. Current facilities include high-resolutin electron microscopes (TEMs and SEM) operating at cryogenic temperatures and low dose, isothermal titration calorimetry, differential scanning calorimetry, and circular dichroism.
Dr. Dragomira Mahjen ()
Working Group 3
Laboratory for Cell Biology and Signalling, Division of Molecular Biology
Ruđer Bošković Institute
Zagreb, Croatia
Dr. Mahjen's group is investigating adenovirus-based vectors aimed at gene transfer and vaccination, namely innate immune response induced by adenovirus vector infection with aim of constructing better performing adenovirus-based vectors. We are experienced in standard cell culture methods and methods used in molecular biology, adenovirus construction and purification, confocal microscopy.
Dr. Dusan Sredojevic ()
Working Group 2
Laboratory for Radiation Chemistry and Physics
Institute of Nuclear Sciences Vinča, University of Belgrade
Belgade, Serbia
Dr. Sredojevic's group is developing new organic-inorganic hybrids using oxide nanoparticles as carriers of biologically active molecules to determine their toxicity and antioxidant properties. The laboratory activity includes DFT calculations, synthesis and variety of characterization. Currently available facilities at Dr Nedeljković's lab include different spectroscopic (UV-Vis, NIR, FTIR, PL), thermal (TGA, DSC), and microstructural (XRD, AFM) techniques.
Prof. Eduardo Fernandez-Megia ()
Working Groups 1, 2 and 3
Center for Research in Biological Chemistry and Molecular Materials (CIQUS)
University of Santiago de Compostela
Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Fernandez-Megia's lab focuses on the interface between chemical biology and polymer chemistry with emphasis on the preparation of dendrimers and well-defined micelles and vesicles for cancer drug delivery, radionanotherapy, and diagnosis (MRI, PET, SPECT, NIR). The laboratory activity includes polymer synthesis, the preparation and characterization of nanoassembles, and in their vitro evaluation. Special interest is devoted to click & accelerated bioconjugations for stimuli-responsive materials.
Dr. Elena Aznar ()
Working Group 2
Applied Molecular Chemistry Group of IDM-UPV
Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red (CIBER)
Madrid, Spain
Dr. Elena
Aznar works on the development of new hybrid materials with advanced functionalities such as drug controlled release or sensing. Also, she works on the development of new nanoparticle-cell communication strategies that could be the basis for potential future applications in the field of nanomedicine.
Prof. Eleonore Fröhlich ()
Working Groups 3 and 4
Center for Medical Research
Medical University of Graz
Graz, Austria
The group studies toxic effects in vitro (permeation across epithelial barriers, cytotoxicity, genotoxicity, immunotoxicity, hemocompatibility) of nanoparticles, implants, and chemical compounds in 2D and 3D models. Detection methods include plate reader, epifluorescence and confocal laser scan microscopy, High Content Screening, atomic force microscopy, and flow cytometry.
Dr. Eugenia Mato Matute ()
Working Group 3
Laboratory of Endocrinology and Nutrition
CIBER-BBN, Institut de Recerca Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau (IIbSantPau)
Barcelona, Spain
Prof. Corcoy’s group in collaboration with Dr. Pedraz's group, are focus the interest in the development of a new therapeutic tool for patients with advanced or metastatic thyroid carcinomas. We use of PLGA nanoparticles decorated with monoclonal antibodies for delivery different tyrosine kinase inhibitors with therapeutical effects, evaluating in vitro and as well in preclinical studies (on going) their therapeutically efficacy.
Prof. Ewa Sawosz ()
Working Group 3
Laboratory of Nanobiotechnology, Department of Animal Nutrition and Biotechnology
Warsaw University of Life Sciences
Warsaw, Poland
Prof. Sawosz's group is interested in the effect of carbon allotropes and noble metals on the status of tumour cells and tissues in in vivo, in ovo and in vitro research. Mechanisms of nanostructures` toxicity. Nanostructures as modifies of angiogenesis in tumour. Research is carried out on tumour and normal cells, bacteria, chicken embryo and rat models. The laboratories include equipment for cell cultivation, embryo incubation, microscopic visualisation, histochemistry, gene expression, activities of enzymes, concentrations of DNA, RNA, Ig.
Dr. Federico Benetti ()
Working Groups 1 and 2
ECSIN Laboratory
Padova, Italy
ECSIN Laboratory mission is the sustainable development of nanotechnologies. It faces this important challenge with an integrated approach that includes physicochemical characterization of nanotechnologies, as nanomedicines, their safety evaluation and nano-specific risk assessment and management. ECSIN has state-of-the-art facilities for studying nanotechnologies. Physico-chemical characterization of nanomedicines can be done by using TEM-STEM-EDX, spICP-MS, BET (accredited by Accredia), A4F and DLS-zeta potential, while their safety can be tested applying cellular and molecular approaches and standard operating procedures. Risk assessment and management are performed using both commercially available and ad hoc open-source software.
Dr. Fotios Mpekris ()
Working Groups 3 and 4
Cancer Biophysics Laboratory, Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
University of Cyprus
During my research, I focus on the development of strategies that remodel the tumor microenvironment to improve drug delivery and thus, therapeutic outcomes. I trained as a biomedical engineer and mathematical modeller, and received experimental training on the biomechanical characterization of solid tumors. Also i trained in murine tumor models, small laboratory animal handling and surgical procedures as well as in anticancer drug treatments.
Prof. Francisco Javier De la Mata ()
Working Groups 1 and 2
BIOINDEN GROUP, Department of Organic and Inorganic Chemistry
University of Alcala
Alcalá de Henares, Spain
BIOINDEN group is developing new dendritic nanomedicines for different biomedical applications, such as gene carriers and antitumoral, antibacterial or antiviral agents. The laboratory activity includes nanomolecules synthesis and chemico-physical characterization, as well as in vitro evaluation. Prof. De la Mata’s lab has access to several experimental tools including NMR, IR, UV-Vis, mass spectrometry, electronic microscopy, etc.
Dr. Gaetano Isola ()
Working Group 4
Department of General Surgery and Surgical-Medical Specialties, School of Dentistry
University of Catania
Catania, Italy
Dr. Isola is working on the pathogenesis and therapy of periodontal disease; Laboratory experience in the analysis of Nickel-Titanium surfaces at a nano-molecular level. Additionally, he is working on dose scaling and personalized medicine and the development of nanosystems carrying anticancer drugs from their initial design, pre-clinical testing of efficacy, pharmacokinetics, and toxicity to the preparation of detailed protocols.
Dr. Gemma Janer ()
Working Group 3
Human and Environmental Health and Safety
LEITAT Technological Center
Barcelona, Spain
Dr. Janer’s group is assessing human and environmental toxicity of nanomaterials. The laboratory activity includes in vitro and in vivo toxicological studies, and is mainly interested on the oral and parenteral routes of exposure.
Dr. Giovanna Lollo ()
Working Groups 1, 2 and 3
LAGEPP CNRS UMR 5007-Team Gepharm
University Claude Bernard Lyon 1
Lyon, France
Dr Lollo works in the design and development of novel delivery nanosystems for drug and gene delivery. Mainly, her research is focused on implementation of conventional chemotherapeutic strategies with immunotherapeutic approach. The laboratory activity includes in-depth physico-chemical characterization of the formulation developed. The over facilities of the laboratory are listed on the webpage
Prof. Giovanni Tosi ()
Working Groups 2, 3 and 4
Lab Nanomedicine & Pharmaceutical Technology
Department of Life Science
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Modena, Italy
Prof. Tosi's group displays expertise in the production of NPs engineered with different ligands as tools for BBB crossing evaluation along with the production of fluorescent and easy-detectable NPs as tools for evaluation of in vitro interaction or BBB crossing after in vivo administration. Moreover, full chemico-physical, morphological and pharmaceutical characterization of any “tool” will be developed. Along with this “pharmaceutical” nanotechnology aim, UNIMORE could also perform in vivo experiments on WT and KO animal models (AD model, 5*FAD), meaning systemic injection in rodents (i.v. or i.p.), followed by NPs detection and assessment of BBB crossing and brain targeting. In fact, selected validation protocols (i.e. Confocal Microscopy, HPLC-Fluorimeter-MS for detection and quantification) are ready to be used to evaluate BBB crossing or localize NPs within parenchyma or even at cellular level after in vitro or in vivo experiments.
Dr. Gil Gonçalves ()
Working Groups 1 and 2
Centre for Mechanical Technology and Automation (TEMA), Mechanical Engineering Department
University of Aveiro
Aveiro, Portugal
Dr Gil Gonçalves group focuses on the nanoengineering of novel carbon-based smart materials for cancer theranostic, including graphene derivatives, carbon nanotubes, carbon nanohorns and carbon quantum dots. Our studies have been mainly focused on the development of ultra-sensitive nanotherapeutic anticancer agents for neutron capture therapy, photodynamic and photothermal therapy and photoluminescent agents for bioimaging.
Dr. Greta Varchi ()
Working Groups 1 and 2
Chemistry and Nanotechnology for the Healthcare (ChemNanoCARE)
Institute of Organic Synthesis and Photoreactivity
Italian National Research Council
Bologna, Italy
Dr. Varchi’s group is developing new nanomedicines for targeting solid tumors. In particular, the group has extensive know-how in multi-modal therapies including those mediated by light. The laboratory activity includes the synthesis, functionalization and chemico-physical characterization of nano pharmaceuticals. Currently available facilities at Dr. Varchi’s lab are access to fully equipped chemical laboratories, DLS analysis, semi-solid and solid-state NMR, circular dichroism, TGA, DSC, TEM,SEM, etc.
Dr. Guillermo de la Cueva-Méndez ()
Working Groups 3 and 4
Synthetic Biology and Smart Therapeutic Systems/Dept. of Therapeutic Nanosystems
Andalusian Centre for Nanomedicine and Biotechnology (BIONAND)
Malaga, Spain
Nanobioengineering of smart therapeutic and diagnostic systems
Institute of Biomedical Research in Malaga (IBIMA)
Malaga, Spain
Our group integrates basic researchers and clinicians of multiple relevant backgrounds to combine synthetic biology, nanotechnology, and both preclinical and clinical research with the aim of developing smart therapeutic and diagnostic nanosystems for the early detection and effective treatment of cancer. Our activity spans the design of modularly functionalisable core nanoparticles (of chemical or biological origin), their production, assembly, and characterization, the analysis of their toxicity in vitro and in vivo, as well as of their biodistribution and therapeutic/diagnostic efficacy in animal models, using a broad range of physical-chemical-biological techniques.
Prof. Dr. Gülşah Sanli Mohamed ()
Working Group 1
Department of Chemistry, İzmir Institute of Technology
Izmir, Turkey
We are developing and characterizing nanosystems that carry anticancer medicines for the treatment of various cancers that includes a biocompatible, biodegradable, pH-sensitive, dual cytotoxic property platform that can be targeted to cancer. After the synthesis and characterization of the developed system, we are investigating their biological effects on in vitro, in vivo, and ex vivo systems. In addition, we are recently developing special nanocarrier systems that increase the photodynamic efficiency for not only effective treatment as nanomedicine but also diagnosis of various cancer types.
Dr. Helena Oliveira ()
Working Groups 2 and 3
Department of Biology
University of Aveiro
Aveiro, Portugal
In our lab we study the biological interactions of nanomaterials. Currently, we are devoted to the study of nanomaterials for cancer photodynamic therapy, induced hyperthermia and drug delivery. The laboratory is fully equipped for in vitro cell culture, microscopy analysis, flow cytometry, microplate reading, gene expression and nanoparticle physico-chemical characterization.
Dr. Helinor Johnston ()
Working Groups 3 and 4
Nano Safety Research Group, School of Engineering and Physical Sciences
Institute of Biological Chemistry, Biophysics and Bioengineering
Heriot Watt University
Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Dr Johnston's group specialises in the assessment of nanomaterial toxicity. A key area of research activity is developing alternatives to animal testing (e.g. in vitro models, zebrafish embryos) to support implementation of the 3Rs principles.
Prof. Huveyda Basaga ()
Working Groups 3 and 4
Molecular Biology Genetics and Bioengineering Program (MBGB) and Sabanci University Nanotechnology Research Center
Sabanci University
Tuzla/İstanbul, Turkey
Prof. Basaga's lab currently focuses on characterization of the biological effects of drug-loaded nanoparticles in several cell lines. In one of our projects, we are trying to increase antioxidant defence capacity of cells by using a nano-antioxidant system. For this purpose, a nanosystem has been developed and tested in various cell lines. We are also seeking to design and implement a nanoparticle-porphyrin based theranostic agent to be used in targeted photodynamic therapy. Our specific aims regarding theranostics are: a) to develop new tools for one-step imaging and therapy for cancer; b) to understand the role of antioxidant response in nanosystem based photodynamic therapy, and c) to develop and understand the mechanisms of novel theranostic tools for anti-cancer treatment.
Dr. Igor Balaz ()
Working Groups 1 and 4
Group for Meteorology, Physics and Biophysics
University of Novi Sad
Novi Sad, Serbia
Dr. Balaz’s group is developing an AI computational platform for the autonomous generation of new strategies for
targeting solid tumors using functionalized nanoparticles. In its final form the model will simulate all the main
aspects of nanoparticle dynamics: their travel via blood streams, extravasation, tumour penetration and endocytosis. It is part of the H2020 EVO-NANO project whose goal is to establish, for the first time, an integrated pipeline which goes from AI-powered artificial evolution of novel nanoparticle-based Drug Delivery Systems, to their synthesis, rapid testing in vitro on a newly developed microfluidic-based platform, and finally translation to pre-clinical trials through in vivo validation.
Dr. Ivana Vukoje ()
Working Group 2
Laboratory for Radiation Chemistry and Physics
Institute of Nuclear Sciences Vinča, University of Belgrade
Belgrade, Serbia
Dr. Vukoje's research interests on developing new organic-inorganic hybrids using oxide nanoparticles as carriers of biologically active molecules to determine their toxicity and antioxidant properties.
Dr. Ivana Drvenica ()
Working Groups 2 and 3
Group of Immunology
Institute of Medical Research, University of Belgrade
Belgrade, Serbia
Current research strictly related to the action aims and goals: Development and chemico-physical characterization of nano-sized erythrocyte membrane-based drug delivery systems (nanoerythrosomes and erythrocyte membrane cloaked nanoparticles).
Dr. James Wells ()
Working Groups 2 and 4
Division 8.23 - Metrology for Magnetic Nanoparticles
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)
Berlin, Germany
The work group "Metrology for Magnetic Nanoparticles" provides new measurement procedures for the sensitive detection of magnetic nanoparticles in biological environments. The group also conducts research and development in the fields of magnetic hyperthermia for cancer therapy, and biomedical imaging techniques including Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Furthermore, PTB contributes to the standardization of magnetic nanoparticles for the safe application of magnetic nanoparticles in biomedicine, and contributes national experts to ISO technical committee 229 - Nanotechnology.
Prof. Jean Pierre Majoral (majoral
Working Groups 1 and 2
Laboratoire Chimie de Coordination, CNRS Toulouse
Toulouse, France
The group is developing ways of synthesis of original phosphorus dendrimers (anionic, cationic, neutral or complexed with different metals) for use against several diseases (cancers, tuberculosis, inflammation ...). In vitro experiments can be conducted and access to in vivo experiments is possible. Phosphorus dendrimers structures can be established and controlled using a variety of physico-chemical methods. Fluorescent dendrimers will be used for theranostic purposes.
Prof. Jesus M. De la Fuente ()
Working Group 3
Aragón Materials Science Institute
Spanish National Research Council
Zaragoza, Spain
Our research group is on the search of new biomarkers for the detection and monitoring of treatments against cancer, new transduction systems and new molecular imaging techniques using nanoparticles as a central element. We are also working on the development of advanced therapies, mainly against cancer based on the rational design of new multifunctional nanoconjugates. On the other hand, we are also working on new therapies using the differential physical properties of gold and magnetic nanoparticles.
Prof. Jesus Santamaria ()
Working Group 3
Nanoscience Institute of Aragon
University of Zaragoza
Zaragoza, Spain
Prof. Santamaria´s group is developing new nano-enabled approaches to treat cancer. Most of the current activities are organized around catalytic nanoparticles used to target key nutrients and produce toxic molecules inside the tumor using bio-orthogonal catalysis. The laboratory activity includes controlled drug and catalyst delivery, exosome-based delivery, and nano-hyperthermia. Currently available facilities relevant to this action include extensive nanoparticle characterization with state of the art microscopy, as well as animal testing facilities with several cancer models.
Prof. Jing Wang ()
Working Group 2
Air Quality and Particle Technology, Institute of Environmental Engineering
ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology)
Zurich, Switzerland
Prof. Wang’s group investigates the environmental and health impacts of nanomaterials and develops control technologies to mitigate the negative effects. Current studies include risk and toxicity assessment of graphene based nanocomposites and application of grouping, leading to read-across and classification of nanomaterials.
Dr. Johanna K. Scheper ()
Working Groups 1, 2, 3, and 4
CIBER-BBN (Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine)
CIBER (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red)
Madrid, Spain
Johanna K Scheper is project manager in charge of the International Initiatives & Projects Programme of CIBER-BBN. She has been also during the last ten years the Project Manager in charge of all the research projects within the Nanomedicine area of CIBER-BBN.
Dr. João Carlos Lima ()
Working Group 1
Associated Laboratory for Green Chemistry
Nova University
Lisbon, Portugal
Design and synthesis of multichannel fluorescence sensors and photo releasing systems both free and assembled in nanoparticles
Prof. Joao Rodriguez ()
Working Group 1
CQM – Centro de Química da Madeira
University of Madeira
Madeira, Portugal
João Rodrigues’s group is working on the synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials for cancer therapy. In particular, the group is focused on metallodendrimers and other organometallic compounds containing ruthenium, platinum and copper in their structure. The labs of CQM-Centro de Química da Madeira are well equipped for chemical synthesis (including vacuum techniques) and materials characterization (NMR, MS, DLS, TRPS, SEM, contact angle, HPLC, GC, etc.), as well as for the in vitro biological evaluation of nanomaterials (cell culture lab, fluorescence microscopy, flow cytometry, etc.).
Prof. Jorge Rubio Retama ()
Working Groups 1 and 2
Department of Chemistry in Pharmaceutical Sciences (MatNaBiO Research Group)
Complutense University of Madrid
Madrid, Spain
Prof. Rubio-Retama has developed different synthetic routes to produce colloidal materials suitable for biomedical applications, such as microgels, nanogels, magnetic nanoparticles, upconverting nanoparticles or Ag2S nanoparticles. In addition, the group aims to the surface functionalization of these nanomaterials to provide them the appropriate physic-chemical properties for their biological application. For this reason, the group has highly specialized techniques like spectroscopic techniques, TEM, SEM, FTIR, DSC, TGA….. in addition, the group is expert in SANS and IQNS, which are of great interest to determine the structure and dynamic of soft-matter.
Prof. Jovan Nedeljković ()
Working Group 2
Laboratory for Radiation Chemistry and Physics
Institute of Nuclear Sciences Vinča, University of Belgrade
Belgrade, Serbia
Dr. Nedeljković's group is developing new organic-inorganic hybrids using oxide nanoparticles as carriers of biologically active molecules to determine their toxicity and antioxidant properties. The laboratory activity includes DFT calculations, synthesis and variety of characterization. Currently available facilities at Dr Nedeljković's lab include different spectroscopic (UV-Vis, NIR, FTIR, PL), thermal (TGA, DSC), and microstructural (XRD, AFM) techniques.
Dr. Juan F. Santibanez ()
Working Group 3
Department of Molecular Biology
Institute for Medical Research, University of Belgrade
Belgrade, Serbia
Our laboratory is interested in to determine: the role of TGF-b in the interaction and internalization of liposomes and chitosan-based nanoparticles in transformed and endothelial cells; also, the interplay between chemotherapy targeting cytoskeleton on the internalization of nanoparticles by cancer cells, endothelial cells and myeloid cells.
Dr. Karol Ciepluch ()
Working Groups 2 and 3
Department of Biochemistry and Genetics, Institute of Biology
Jan Kochanowski University
Kielce, Poland
Dr. Ciepluch is working on polymer conjugated proteins, their physico-chemical characterization, assessment of stability and interactions with nanoparticles for improvement of pharmacokinetic properties of both, therapeutic proteins and nanoparticles. Additionally, he is working on dendritic nanoparticles and their interactions with antibacterial proteins for development a new alternative to antibiotics.
Dr. Kegang Liu ()
Working Group 4
Switzerland Innovation Park Basel Area
Basel, Switzerland
Website not available yet
Spherodials, founded in Basel, is focusing on novel nanodrugs development. There is a platform based on polymeric nanocarriers mainly targeting different cancers and atherosclerosis. The current activity of Spherodials includes novel nanomedicine design, synthesis, chemico-physical characterization, in vitro and in vivo (different animal model) evaluation, GLP and GMP production as well.
Prof. Khuloud Al-Jamal ()
Working Group 2
Institute of Pharmaceutical Science
School of Cancer and Pharmaceutical Sciences, King’s College
London, United Kingdom
Prof. Al-Jamal’s current work involves pre-clinical translation of novel nanomaterials designed specifically for drug, protein, nucleic acids and radionuclide delivery for therapeutic or diagnostic applications. Our lab is specialised in formulating novel nanocarriers (carbon nanostructures, liposomes, exosomes, gold nanorods, exosomes, polymeric nanoparticles) followed by testing interactions with biological systems in vitro and in animal models. We have established a range of in vivo cancer models and multi-modality imaging techniques. Recently our lab has developed specific interests in early detection of cancer and cancer immunotherapy.
Prof. Kostas Karatasos ()
Working Group 1
Laboratory of Physical Chemistry, Department of Chemical Engineering
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Current research is strictly related to the action aims and goals: study of polymer and lipid-based molecules for drug and gene delivery applications, aiming at cancer therapy.
Krunoslav Ilić, mag.biol.mol. ()
Working Group 4
Radiobiology and Radiation Dosimetry Unit
Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health
Zagreb, Croatia
Current work involves testing newly synthesized nanoparticles on cell cultures and lab animals, and monitoring various exposure end-points: cytotoxicity, genotoxicity, oxidative stress, inflammatory response, and endocrine disruption. In my research, I routinely use cell biology methods such as flow cytometer, qPCR, confocal microscope, and multimodal plate reader.
Prof. Laura Rodriguez Raurell ()
Working Groups 1 and 2
Supra- and Nanostructure Research group
Inorganic and Organic Department
Universitat de Barcelona
Barcelona, Spain
We have large expertise on the synthesis of Au(I) and Pt(II)/Pt(IV) complexes. We design the compounds containing one part of the molecule with the adequate properties to confer the necessary solubility in water and polar solvents and another part with luminescent properties to be able to detect the presence of the compounds in the cells. Hybrid systems with the compounds included in nanoparticles have been also synthesized and biologically tested.
Prof. Leagh G. Powell ()
Working Groups 3 and 4
The Nano-Safety Research Group
Heriot Watt University
Edinburgh, United Kingdom
The Nano-Safety Research Group is a multidisciplinary team based at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh with expertise in the assessment of the hazards (toxicity) posed by nanomaterials to human health in vitro and the environment. This group works together with EU project BIORIMA that aims to develop an integrated risk management framework for nanomaterials intended for medical use. The group is involved in a number of other national and international research projects that investigate the safety of nanomaterials.
Dr. Lisa Pizzol ()
Working Groups 3 and 4
GreenDecision srl
Venice, Italy
GreenDecision's main mission is the development of decision support systems for the risk assessment and management of nano(bio)materials.
Dr. Lorena Garcia Hevia ()
Working Group 3
Laboratory of Nanomedicine, Department of Life Science
International Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL)
Braga, Portugal
Dr. Hevia's research is focused on developing and validating strategies of selective magnetic hyperthermia therapies in different in vitro and in vivo approaches. Our group are familiar with synthesis, characterization and cytotoxicity of iron oxide nanoparticles and also the study of their use for targeting, imaging, and on‐demand release. In addition, our research is involved in understand and improve the ability of different nanomaterials to generate sources in magnetic hyperthermia therapy and multifunctional performance as T2-contrast agents in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
Prof. Lothar Elling ()
Working Group 1
Laboratory for Biomaterials, Institute for Biotechnology and Helmholtz-Institute for Biomedical Engineering
RWTH Aachen University
Aachen, Germany
Prof. Elling’s group develops glycoconjugates (e.g. neo-glycoproteins) for the targeted inhibition of cancer related galectins. Further work is related to fusion proteins of cancer related galectins for targeting to altered glycan sites of cancer cells and targeted imaging. The laboratory activity includes chemo-enzymatic synthesis of glycoconjugates, synthetic coupling strategies to nanomaterials, and characterization of sugar and lectin binding, carbohydrate analysis.
Dr. Lukasz Kuryk ()
Working Group 3
Department of Virology, National Institute of Public Health-- National Institute of Hygiene
Waesaw, Poland
Targovax Oy
Helsinki, Finland
My work is related to the development and preclinical testings of oncolytic adenoviruses as agents for a cancer treatment. Therefore, various cancer models are used in order to assess efficacy, safety and immuno-modulatory properties of tested vectors.
Dr. Lyudmila Turyanska ()
Working Groups 1 and 2
Center for Additive Manufacturing, Faculty of Engineering, University of Nottingham
Nottingham, UK
Dr. Turyanska's research focuses on the development and characterization of nanomaterial-based therapeutic and theranostic agents. Of particular interest is the use of protein nanocages as delivery vehicles for small therapeutic molecules (anti-cancer drugs) and imaging agents (nanoparticles/quantum dots). Nanoparticles are synthesized to provide multi-modal imaging capabilities: fluorescence imaging in the near-infrared wavelength range of low absorption of biological tissues and magnetic resonance imaging.
Dr. Maciej Stanczyk ()
Working Groups 3 and 4
Deparment of Surgical Oncology
Salve Lodz
Lodz, Poland
I am an oncologist treating mostly breast cancer, my point of interest is the new approach to cancer treatment, projects of nanocarriers and targeted particles, dendrimers in anticancer therapy.
Dr. Maja Nešić Radisavljević ()
Working Groups 1 and 2
Department of Atomics Physics, Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences
University of Belgrade
Belgrade, Serbia
Dr. Nešić's research is focused on the formation and development of light-triggered nanocomposite systems based on potential anticancer drugs and nano-carriers. She is currently combining UV-absorbing TiO2 nanoparticles and polysaccharide-functionalized fullerenes with different potential anticancer drugs. The laboratory activities include nanosystem synthesis, physico-chemical characterization, as well as biological evaluation of nanomaterials (cell culture lab, cellular uptake, localization and underlying mechanisms of antitumor effects).
Prof. Manuel Ocaña ()
Working Groups 1 and 2
Material Science Institute of Seville
Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)
Sevilla, Spain
Prof. Ocaña’s group is developing inorganic nanoparticles, based on lanthanide cations, with potential applications for bioimaging (luminescent imaging, MRI, CT) and therapy. The laboratory activity includes the synthesis and chemico-physical characterization of nanoparticles. Currently available facilities at Prof. Ocaña’s lab are different solution and aerosols based synthesis techniques, and several experimental tools including dynamic light scattering, zeta potential analysis, UV-Vis and NIR spectroscopies and fluorimetry.
Prof. Marco Radi ()
Working Group 1
MR Research Lab, Department of Food and Drug
University of Parma
Parma, Italy
Prof. Radi’s group is developing new small-molecule anticancer agents targeting kinases and GPCRs. Chemical and in silico tools are routinely used in the Radi lab to convert physical interactions into small molecules able to modulate or repair a damaged biological process causing a specific disease. Combinatorial and computational techniques are employed to speed-up the identification of the drug-candidate by rational exploration of the biologically relevant chemical space. Ongoing research projects deal with the development of GPER-1 inhibitors for breast cancer, I1-IR inhibitors as adjuvants for doxorubicin-insensitive cancers, Bcr-Abl inhibitors (ATP- competitive and allosteric) for leukemia, and CXCR4 down-regulators to block CXCR4-dependent cancer metastasis.
Dr. Marko Loparic ()
Working Group 2
Basel, Switzerland
Physical characterization of human and synthetic structures at the nanometer scale for applications in drug delivery and cancer diagnostic and treatment optimization.
Dr. Maria de la Fuente Freire ()
Working Group 3
Nano-oncology Unit
Health Research Insitute of Santiago de Compostela (IDIS)/Clinical University Hospital of Santiago de Compostela (CHUS)
Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Dr. de la Fuente’s group is devoted to the development of innovative tools based on nanotechnology to provide solutions to confront one of the biggest current challenges in oncology, the formation and progression of metastasis. The team is composed by chemist, pharmacists and biologists, in constant communication with medical doctors to accomplish this ambitious aim and move nanotechnology forward to a clinical setting. The laboratory is equipped with the necessary equipment to produce and characterized the nanoformulations. Cell culture rooms and animal facilities are also available.
Dr. Maria Jose Santos-Martinez ()
Working Group 3
School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Trinity College Dublin
The University of Dublin
Dublin, Ireland
Prof. Santos-Martinez’s research interests are focused on platelet biology, cancer, and biocompatibility and safety of nanomaterials (nanoparticle-cell and nanoparticle-platelet interactions). She uses the Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation monitoring (QCM-D) technology to investigate the interactions of nanoparticles and nanomaterials with biological systems.
Dr. Maria Manuela Gaspar ()
Working Group 3
Nanostructured Systems for Overcoming Biological Barriers (Nano2B)
Research Institute for Medicines, iMed.ULisboa
Lisboa, Portugal
Dr. Gaspar's research has been focused on design, development and biological evaluation of drug delivery systems for improving the therapeutic index of incorporated molecules in infectious, inflammatory and cancer animal models. Conception, development and physicochemical characterization of appropriated systems for different routes of administration of constructed nanoformulations namely parenteral, pulmonary, oral, topical. In vitro screening of newly synthesized molecules. Establishment of methodologies for assessing the in vivo profile of nanoformulations particularly cancer models (melanoma, colon, lung, pancreas). The research infrastructures at iMed.ULisboa include specific facilities for drug development of innovative drug delivery systems, including nanomedicines, cell culture, biology and radioisotope laboratories. The animal facilities, approved by Portuguese authorities, where several rodent animal models are established and under routine use namely, biodistribution and toxicity studies, disease modeling studies, including animal models of infection, acute and chronic inflammation, xenograft tumors, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, neurodegenerative diseases.
Dr. Maria Torgensen ()
Working Groups 2 and 3
Institute for Cancer Research, Department of Molecular Cell Biology
Oslo University Hospital
Oslo, Norway
Dr. Torgersen’s project group is interested in the relationship between nanomaterials and autophagy. The laboratory is in the process of establishing a wide range of cellular methods to study the effect of nanomaterials on various types of autophagy.
Prof. Maria Zablocka ()
Working Group 1
Centre of Molecular and Macromolecular Studies
Polish Academy of Science
Lodz, Poland
Prof. Zablocka is mainly concerned with the synthesis of dendrimers and more precisely of phosphorus dendrimers as well as various types of phosphorus dendrons, playing with their size and functionalization with the goal to prepare highly water-soluble derivatives for their use in nanomedicine.
Dr. Marijana Petkovic ()
Working Group 2
CQM - Centro de Química da Madeira
Universidade da Madeira
Funchal, Portugal
Dr. Petkovic is engaged in the development of methods for the detection and characterization of small molecules and nano-structured materials by, MALDI MS and other techniques.
Dr. Mariangela Garofalo ()
Working Group 3
Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences
Univerity of Padua
Padua, Italy
Dr. Garofalo's research interests are in cancer therapy field, with particular focus on cancer drug delivery and development of oncolytic viral-based therapies. The laboratory activity deals with the definition of tools and techniques to improve the delivery of peptides, biological drugs and chemotherapeutic agents using oncolytic adenoviruses and extracellular vesicles. Currently available facilities are access to animal imaging including optical and MRI to properly follow tumor growth, molecular biology and cell culture room for all genetic and cell manipulations.
Dr. Marios Krokidis ()
Working Groups 3 and 4
Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
National Center for Scientific Research ''Demokritos''
Agia Paraskevi, Greece
Dr. Krokidis’s research interests are centered on novel diagnostic and prognostic markers discovery against inflammatory disorders and drug toxicity assessment utilizing bioanalytical, biochemical and molecular biology methodologies.
Dr. Marta Maria Natile ()
Working Groups 1 and 2
Institute of Condensed Matter Chemistry and Technologies for Energy (ICMATE)
National Research Council (CNR)
Padua, Italy
Dr. Natile’s group is developing novel multifunctional nanosystems for simultaneous diagnostic and therapy (photo-activated chemotherapy, photodynamic therapy) based on near-infrared light upconverting nanoparticles. The activities include rational design and synthesis of nanoparticles, their functionalization with appropriate molecules and/or drug as well as their structural and physico-chemical characterization by state of art facilities (XRD, XPS, DLS, DRIFT, TEM, SEM, UV-vis-NIR, steady-state and time-resolved spectroscopies).
Dr. Martin Hrubý ()
Working Groups 1 and 2
Department of Supramolecular Polymer Systems
Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Czech Academy of Science
Prague, Czech Republic
Dr. Hrubý´s group is developing self-assembled nanosystems based on polymers responsive to external stimuli for biomedicinal purposes. Currently available facilities at Dr. Hrubý´s lab are synthetic labs including complete physico-chemical monomer, polymer and nanoparticle characterization background, radionuclide laboratory, isothermal titration calorimetry, DLS, SLS, SAXS.
Dr. Maxim Abakumov ()
NCC MC observer
Working Groups 1 and 3
Department of medical nanobiotechnology
Russian National Research Medical University
Moscow, Russia
Dr. Abakumov research is focused on the application of magnetic nanoparticles for cancer theranostics and the assessment of toxicity and biocompatibility of iron oxide nanoparticles.
Dr. Mihaela Roxana Cimpan ()
Working Groups 2, 3 and 4
Department of Clinical Dentistry_Biomaterials, Faculty of Medicine
University of Bergen
Bergen, Norway
Dr. Cimpan's group covers expertise in biomaterials and nanomaterials, microfluidics, e-beam lithography, biophysics, analytical and physical chemistry, electronics, molecular biology, cell biology, microarrays, super arrays, advanced microscopy, metrology, statistics, and performs in vitro cytotoxicity, immunotoxicity, nanoparticle uptake and intercellular transfer studies on cells and 3D reconstructed tissues and organs. Dr. Cimpan is also involved in projects investigating the knowledge, perception and attitude of students and medical personnel regarding nanotechnology used in dentistry and medicine and nanosafety.
Dr. Mingxing Wei ()
Working Group 3
Cellvax SAS
Maisons-Alfort, France
Cellvax, founded in 2001, is a French SME which provides complete preclinical innovating drug validation studies both in vitro and in vivo (rodents and non-rodents) allowing to accelerate the drug development process for unmet needs related to severe human diseases such as cancer and osteoarthritis. The core business of Cellvax is in preclinical studies, such as efficacy studies in animal models, GLP toxicology studies, PK/PD biodistribution studies, etc. Since its foundation, Cellvax has achieved a remarkable record as a SME, thanks to its expertise in different animal models.
Dr. Minos Matsoukas ()
Working Group 1
Computational Drug Design
CloudPharm PC
Athens, Greece
Cloudpharm is a startup bio-pharmaceutical R&D company founded and established in Greece in 2016. Its core business focuses on the discovery of bioactive compounds with pharmacological interest. Among others, the activity of the company emphasizes in the computational design of nanocarriers for bioactive molecules against a range of diseases. This involves simulation studies in our computer facilities, powered by cloud computing.
Dr. Miroslava Matuskova ()
Working Group 3
Department of Molecular Oncology
Cancer Research Institute, Biomedical Research Center, Slovak Academy of Sciences
Bratislava, Slovakia
Our group is focused on evaluation of efficacy and safety (in vitro and in vivo) of combined anticancer therapy mediated by nanocarriers.
Dr. Monica Lopez Fanarraga ()
Working Group 3
Laboratory of Nanomedicine-IDIVAL
School of Pharmacy
University of Cantabria
Santander, Spain
Our group has described carbon nanotube´s intrinsic ability to bind to microtubules severely interfering with the dynamics of these tubulin polymers, triggering biomechanical impediment and antitumoral effects in vivo. Recently, we have improved MWCNTs intracellular biodegradation and used MWCNTS as active-by-design nanocarriers, significantly enhancing the antitumoral effect of traditional drugs.
Prof. Moein Moghimi ()
Working Groups 1, 2, 3 and 4
School of Pharmacy
Newcastle University
Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom
The work in Prof. Moghimi’s laboratory is directed towards 1) fundamental understanding of the pathophysiology of biological barriers in relation to targeted drug delivery and the role of the innate immune system in relation to nanomedicine performance and safety; 2) development of new materials and patent-protected intellectual properties for experimental treatment in cancer; 3) detailed mapping of nanopharmaceutical “structure-activity” relationships at single-cell and molecular levels, but also long-term concomitant extensive computational network knowledge of genomics and epigenomics of inter-individual variations to nanoformulation performance, and adverse drug and nanomaterial responses.
Dr. Natalia Shcharbina ()
NCC MC observer
Working Groups 3 and 4
Clinical-Diagnostical Laboratory
Medical Center "Eleous"
Website not available yet
Dr. Shcharbina's main interests focus on the interactions of nanoparticles (dendrimers, nanoparticles of metals) with blood cells and proteins.
Prof. Nenad Ignjatovic ()
Working Groups 1 and 2
Centre for Fine Particles Processing and Nanotechnologies, Institute of Technical Science of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
Belgrade, Serbia
Applied and fundamental research focused on the synthesis and design of small, hybrid and functional particles at the molecular level represent his research challenge. Special interest is directed to the synthesis, design, and processing of nano-objects as carriers of highly selective drugs in the treatment of lung, breast, and prostate cancers. Currently available facilities in the laboratory of prof. Ignjatovic's: hydrothermal synthesis equipment, XRD, TGA, DTA, DSC, MS, PSD, etc.
Prof. Nguyen T. K. Thanh ()
Working Groups 1 and 2
Biophysics Group, Department of Physics and Astronomy
UCL Healthcare Biomagnetic and Nanomaterials Laboratories
University College of London (UCL)
London, UK
Prof. Thanh’s group is developing new nanomedicines for targeting cancer. The laboratory activity includes design, synthesis, and chemico-physical characterization of nanomaterials (plasmonic and magnetic) in conjunction with chemotherapy for cancer treatment. Currently available facilities at Prof. Thanhis lab are TEM, XRD, SQUID, TGA, FTIR, UV-VIs, DLS, Flow cytometry, live-cell imager, glove box, microwave and high temperature and high pressure reactors, biological lab with cell incubator facilities.
Prof. Nicolas H. Voelcker ()
COST International Partner Countries
MC observer
Working Groups 1, 2 and 3
Melbourne Centre for Nanofabrication
Monash University
Melbourne, Australia
The core research activity in Prof. Voelcker’s laboratory is the study of silicon-based nanostructures and their surface chemistry. His applied research focuses on using those nanomaterials in medical devices including drug delivery systems, biosensors, and materials for cell therapy, in strong collaboration with clinicians and the medtech industry. The Melbourne Centre for Nanofabrication and the Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences offer a range of equipment and infrastructure for manufacture of drug delivery systems and their in vitro and in vivo characterisation.
Dr. Olga Swiech ()
Working Groups 1 and 2
Laboratory of Bionanostructures, Biological and Chemical Research Centre
University of Warsaw
Warsaw, Poland
Our group is developing new drug delivery systems based on nanoparticles and cyclodextrins for targeting therapy of anthracycline drug. The laboratory activity includes synthesis as well as physical and chemical characterization. Currently available facilities at Dr Swiech's lab: fully equipped laboratory for organic synthesis, potentiostats (Autolab PGSTAT-Eco Chemie BV, Utrecht, The Netherlands and EC Epsilon - Basi) for the electrochemical studies, UV-Vis spectrometer (Cary 60, Agilent Technologies with thermostated cuvette holder), FTIR infrared spectrophotometer with ATR (Vertex 70), atomic force microscope PicoPlus 5500 AFM (Agilent), the scanning tunneling microscope (Nanoscope IIIa - Digital Instruments, Santa Barbara, CA) and Zetasizer (Malvern) for dynamic light scattering measurement.
Prof. Dr. Palma Rocchi ()
Working Groups 1, 2, 3 and 4
Prostate Cancer and Nanomedicine Team Leader, Predictive Oncology Department, Marseille Cancerology Research Center-Inserm UMR1068
Marseille, France
Dr. Rocchi’s group is actively working on the design, synthesis, and pre-clinical evaluation of functional lipid-modified antisense oligonucleotide nanosystems for oncogene specific targeting, delivery of drug, and imaging agent for cancer diagnosis and treatment. The laboratory activity includes bioinformatic facilities (design) chemistry facilities for synthesis, physico-chemical characterization, radiolabeling (DNA/RNA synthesizer, NMR, MS, HPLC, DLS, TEM), and biological facilities for pre-clinical (Cell culture, Molecular Biology, Animal Facilities) and clinical testing (Cerimed).
Dr. Paolo Gasco ()
Working Groups 3 and 4
Nanovector srl
Turin, Italy
Nanovector develops lipid-based colloidal formulations and has been involved in many projects targeting different kind of cancers. All needed equipments for preparation and physico-chemical characterization of nanoparticles and microemulsions are available (HPLCs, DLS, DSC..), as well as a small clean room (ISO 5) is kept operating for prototyping in GMP-like condition.
Prof. Pedro V. Baptista (.pt)
Working Groups 2 and 3
Nanomedicine@FCT, Department of Life Sciences, School of Science and Technology
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
Lisboa, Portugal
Prof.Baptista’s group is developing nanosensors for evaluation of cell internalisation and trafficking of multifunctional nanoparticles (nanotheranostics systems), transport in and across exosmoses, and using in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo models to optimize targeted delivery nanosystems for RNAi and chemotherapeutics. Also focusing on cell uptake and toxicology of nanomaterials. Additional focus has been dedicated to the development of combinatory strategies based on nanoparticles and their properties to tackle chemotherapy resistance in cancer models. Prof. Baptista has also been optimizing nanosensors based on isothermal molecular detection schemes. At Nanomedicine@FCT Lab there are access to several facilities, e.g. DNA/RNA manipulation; cell culture and imaging; flow cytometry; CD; ITC; DLS/Zeta; laser; 3D printing; microfluidics design.
Dr. Penelope Bouziotis ()
Working Group 3
Radiochemical Studies Laboratory
Institute of Nuclear & Radiological Sciences & Technology, Energy & Safety
National Center for Scientific Research "Demokritos"
Athens, Greece
Website not available yet
Dr. Bouziotis’ group is working on the development of dual-modality SPECT/MR and PET/MR imaging agents, as well as novel nanoparticle theranostic agents, after radiolabeling of nanostructures with gamma-, beta-, alpha- and positron-emitting radioisotopes. Currently available facilities at Dr. Bouziotis’ lab include: hot cells and hoods for the safe handling & radiochemical processing of γ-, β-, α- and positron-emitters; HPLC; electronic autoradiography system; capillary electrophoresis system; gel electrophoresis system; optical microscope. Finally, the lab also has an Animal Housing Facility, for the housing of experimental animals during the development of appropriate cancer models, which has been licensed by the Veterinary Department of the Athens Prefecture (Ref. EL 25 BIO 022). It is also licensed by the Greek Atomic Energy Commission for import and use of a wide variety of radioisotopes.
Prof. Ramón Martínez Máñez ()
Working Group 2
Applied Molecular Chemistry Group of IDM-UPV
Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red (CIBER)
Madrid, Spain
Prof. Martínez Máñez is an active researcher in the field of hybrid organic-inorganic nanostructured gated materials. He works on the development of new nanotherapeutic strategies for cancer, senescence-related diseases, infection, inflammation, and several rare diseases among others. Also, he works on new biomolecule recognition approaches using gated nanomaterials.
Dr. Riccardo Carloni ()
COST International Partner Countries
Working Groups 1 and 2
CEDAR lab, Cancer Early Detection Advanced Research center, Oregon Health, and Science University.
United States
Dr. Carloni is developing a nanocarrier-conjugated ultrasound responsive platform for the precision delivery of nucleic acids to the tumoral environment. This includes the synthesis, physicochemical characterization, and biological application of the newly synthesized system. Currently available tools at CEDAR are NMR, Circular Dichroism, EPR (electron paramagnetic resonance) and Raman spectroscopy, Z-Potential and DLS, Atom force Microscopy.
Prof. Roberto Quesada ()
Working Groups 1 and 2
Department of Chemistry
University of Burgos
Burgos, Spain
Our interests focus on the study and development of organic compounds with applications in biomedicine. In particular the design of small molecules capable of facilitating the transmembrane transport of anions. These compounds are able to disrupt cellular homeostasis and intracellular pH levels. We are exploring the applications of such compounds as novel anticancer agents as well as their use in the treatment of conditions related to defective ion transport at the cellular level such as Cystic Fibrosis. Our background is synthetic organic chemistry. We have an important experience in the use of phospholipid vesicle-based assays to characterize facilitate transport processes.
Dr. Sanja Vranjes-Djuric ()
Working Group 3
Laboratory for radioisotopes (LR)
Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences
Belgrade, Serbia
Dr Vranjes's group is developing new radiopharmaceuticals based on the biocompatible magnetic nanoparticles radiolabelled with different radionuclides for dual radionuclide-hyperthermia therapy. LR is completely equipped for the application of the radiotracer method as the most reliable method for biodistribution studies on healthy and tumor-bearing mice. The laboratory activity includes: synthesis and complete characterization of nanomaterials including magnetic and radiolabelled nanomaterials, investigation of their effect in vitro on cell culture, in vivo hyperthermia studies, biodistribution studies using In Vivo Xtreme Multimodal 2D planar imager as well as gamma camera. The group consists of experienced researches from different scientific fields including chemistry, pharmacy, veterinary medicine.
Prof. Sarit Larisch ()
Working Group 3
Laboratory of Apoptosis and Cancer Research
Department of Biology and Human Biology
University of Haifa
Haifa, Israel
Prof. Larisch's group is investigating molecular mechanisms of apoptosis and carcinogenesis. We are developing new small molecules as anti-cancer drugs. This novel compounds inhibit and degrade their target proteins through the ubiquitin-proteasome system to promote cancer cell killing . Currently available facilities at Prof. Larisch's lab are access to FPLC, confocal microscopes, MST assays, biochemical and cell killing analysis of drugs, usage of BME organoids, We have an animal facility at the University of Haifa which is a barrier facility comprising 1000 sq. ft. (240 cages). All mice are housed under Specific-pathogen-free (SPF) conditions in ventilated microisolator cages.
Prof. Sebnem Ercelen Ceylan ()
Working Groups 2 and 3
Bionanotechnology Lab
TUBITAK Marmara Research Center, Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Institute
Gebze/ Kocaeli, Turkey
We are working on the development and characterization of therapeutic delivery systems such as biocompatible polymers, liposomes, nanotubes and natural vesicular systems such as exosomes (we have a patent application) and niosomes. We have completed projects on non-viral gene delivery and have expertise and research infrastructure for the biophysical and physico-chemical characterization of these carriers. We have access to fluorimeter, luminometer, zetasizer, Time-Lapse Fluorescence Invert Microscope, cell culture facilities, etc.
Dr. Smilja Marković ()
Working Group 2
Institute of Technical Sciences of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
Belgrade, Serbia
Dr. Smilja Marković deals with physico-chemical characterization (XRD, Raman, FTIR, PL and UV–vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, TG/DTA/DSC) of materials for nanomedical application, biomaterials, drug delivery, cell labeling, etc. The main interest is the correlation of point-defect chemistry with functional properties of materials.
Dr. Soner Dogan ()
Working Group 3
Department of Medical Biology, School of Medicine
Yeditepe University
Ataşehir/İstanbul, Turkey
Prof. Dogan’s group is interested in drug delivery system in breast cancer both in invitro and in-vivo models. A specifically controlled gated drug delivery system has been studied. In addition, we are studying the roles of calorie restriction in targeted drug delivery.
Dr. Sónia Fraga ()
Working Group 3
Department of Environmental Health
National Institute of Health Dr. Ricardo Jorge (INSARJ)
Porto, Portugal
Sónia Fraga’s group is assessing the biological responses to nanomaterials, mostly metallic nanoparticles in a variety of cell models. Laboratory activities include cell-based HTS assays for cytotoxicity and genotoxicity testing to assess different endpoints such as oxidative stress, DNA damage, inflammation, apoptosis, cell cycle progression, protein analysis (activity and expression) and activation of signalling transduction pathways.
Dr. Sonia Melle ()
Working Group 2
Department of Optics, Faculty of Optics
University Complutense of Madrid
Madrid, Spain
Prof. Melle’s group in collaboration with MagNaBio research group at the UCM led by Prof. Rubio-Retama is developing new fluorescent nanoprobes for biomedical applications. Prof. Melle’s lab activity is based on the optical characterization of fluorescent nanoprobes. Currently available experimental techniques are quantum yield measurements, time-resolved fluorescence lifetime measurements, fluorescence spectroscopy, etc…
Dr. Sonja Jovanović ()
Working Groups 1 and 2
Advanced Materials Department
Jozef Stefan Institute
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Dr. Sonja Jovanović's research focus is developing magnetic nanocomposites for bio-applications. The laboratory activity includes synthesis and physicochemical characterization of obtained materials (XRD, TG/DTA, UV-VIS, TEM, VSM etc).
Dr. Soumyananda Chakraborti ()
Working Groups 2 and 4
Bio-nanoscience and Biochemistry Laboratory
Malopolska Centre of Biotechnology, Jagiellonian University
Krakow, Poland
Dr Soumyananda Chakraborti's research is focused on bio-nanotechnology/synthetic biology field with a specific aim of developing DNA/Protein based functional nanomaterial for smart drug delivery.
Mag. pharm MSc. Susanne Resch ()
Working Groups 2 and 4
Health, Safety and Medicine
BioNanoNet Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
Graz, Austria
Dr. Resch's interests focus on nanosafety in nanomedicine and regulation and standardization related to nanotechnologies and nanomedicine.
Prof. Tibor Hianik ()
Working Group 1 and 2
Laboratory of Biophysics, Department of Nuclear Physics and Biophysics, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics
Comenius University in Bratislava
Bratislava, Slovakia
Prof. Hianik’s group is focused on the development of electrochemical and acoustics biosensors based on DNA aptamers for diagnostics of the cancer as well as on development of nanocarriers for targeted drug delivery into the cancer cells. The lab also studied the mechanisms of interaction of nanocarriers (dendrimers, dendrons, and nano/micromotros) with lipid membranes and biomembranes.
Dr. Tore Geir Iversen ()
Working Group 3
Department of Cell Biology, Institute for Cancer Research
Oslo University Hospital, The Norwegian Radium Hospital
Oslo, Norway
Our group is developing biodegradable nanomedicines for cancer diagnostics and therapy in close iterative collaboration with groups that has the expertise in nanomedicine production and characterization (WG1-2). Uptake and intracellular transport of NPs in different cancer cells are studied by confocal microscopy, super-resolution microscopy (SIM), TIRF, and live-cell imaging techniques. Furthermore, cell-based toxicity assays are used as well as assays to more specifically study various cellular mechanisms (oxidative/ER stress, autophagy) that might be implicated in cell death.
Dr. Tore Skotland ()
Working Groups 3 and 4
Department of Molecular Cell Biology
Institute for Cancer Research, Oslo University Hospital
Oslo, Norway
Dr. Skotland is a member of the Sandvig group which focuses on testing new nanomedicines for targeting cancer. The group studies entry into cells, intracellular transport, and death mechanisms induced by nanoparticles. The effect of the particles on tumor models in mice is studied in collaboration with Prof. G. Mælandsmo. Skotland has a long experience from heading ADME studies in Pharmaceutical R&D and has been involved in bringing five products to the market.
Dr. Tracey D. Bradshaw ()
Working Group 3
School of Pharmacy
University of Nottingham
Nottingham, United Kingdom
Tracey Bradshaw`s research focuses on the discovery and development of novel anticancer therapies. Specifically, investigation of antitumour activity and elucidation of mechanisms of action and molecular targets of newly discovered natural products, novel imidazotetrazine and benzothiazole analogues and preparation of biocompatible nano-sizes drug delivery vehicles for treatment of intractable malignancies. We are developing apoferritin-encapsulated formulations of i) temozolomide analogs to treat temozolomide-resistant brain tumors; ii) antitumor benzothiazoles to treat benzothiazole-sensitive malignancies including breast, ovarian and gastric tumours; iii) jerantinine to minimize systemic exposure to this potent natural product.
Dr. Tung Duc Le ()
Working Group 2
UCL Healthcare Biomagnetic and Nanomaterials Laboratory and Biophysics Group, Department of Physics & Astronomy
University College London
London, United Kingdom
Dr. Le's group is developing nanoparticles for cancer treatment. The laboratory activity includes synthesis and characterization. Currently available facilities at Dr. Tung's lab are access to TEM, XRD, TGA, SQUID, DLS, Magnetic hyperthermia, Centrifuge, UV-Vis, FTIR, Flow cytometer, Live Cell Imager.
Prof. Twan Lammers ()
Working Group 3
Department of Nanomedicine and Theranostics, Institute for Experimental Molecular Imaging (ExMI)
RWTH Aachen University Clinic
Aachen, Germany
Prof. Lammers’ group aims to individualize and improve cancer therapy by combining drug targeting with imaging. To this end, the lab develops image-guided (theranostic) drug delivery systems, as well as materials and methods to longitudinally monitor tumor growth, angiogenesis, inflammation, and metastasis. A key objective for the next couple of years is to bring together scientists, societies, and companies working in this relatively broad area of research, in order to intensify their interaction and collaboration and to thereby facilitate the translation of several innovative (nano-) theranostic constructs and concepts into the clinic.
Dr. Vanessa Valdiglesias Garcia ()
Working Group 3
NanoToxGen Research Group, Department of Biology (Genetics area)
Universidade da Coruña
One of the main research lines of our research group is to determine the cytogenetic effects and biological behavior of different nanomaterials with a particular focus on those designed for biomedical or pharmacological purposes.
Dr. Vasco D. B. Bonifacio ()
Working Groups 1, 2 and 3
Institute for Bioengineering and Biosciences
Instituto Superior Técnico - University of Lisbon
Lisbon, Portugal
Dr. Vasco Bonifácio research is focused in the design and green synthesis of luminescent dendrimers (non-aromatic luminophores) for nano- and radiotheranostics. Polyurea dendrimers are exceptional platforms for stem cell differentiation, and gene and drug delivery, especially in dry powder formulations for inhalation chemotherapy.
Dr. Vesna Lazic ()
Working Group 2
Laboratory of Radiation Chemistry and Physics
Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade
Belgrade, Serbia
Dr. Vesna Lazic is developing new organic-inorganic hybrid nanomaterials for biological applications. The laboratory activity includes synthesis and characterization of hybrid nanomaterials, as well as antimicrobial and antioxidative ability and genotoxic and antigenotoxic properties. Currently available facilities at Dr Lazic's lab include different spectroscopic (UV-Vis, NIR, FTIR) and microstructural (XRD, AFM) techniques.
Dr. Rer. Nat. Vladimir Sivakov ()
Working Groups 2 and 3
Department of Functional Interfaces, Group Semiconductor Nanostructures
Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology
Jena, Germany
Dr. Sivakov’s group is working on development of porous drug containers based on biocompatible and biodegradable porous silicon nanoparticles and nanoneedles synthesis and physico-chemical studies, and their activation using ultrasound or high frequency irradiation. The main focus is related to the multi-modal bioimaging of cancer cells using high resolution and high sensitivity fluorescence microscopy and Raman micro-spectroscopy techniques.
Dr. Wafa Al-Jamal ()
Working Groups 1, 2 and 3
School of Pharmacy/ Nanomedicine and Biotherapeutics
Queen’s University Belfast
Belfast, United Kingdom
Dr Wafa Al-Jamal's lab
Dr Al-Jamal’s group focuses on engineering smart materials (temperature and pH-sensitive) offering on-demand drug release, and image-guided drug delivery. Our lab also develops novel nanomedicines and theranostics for cancer and other applications. We fabricate a wide range of delivery systems, such as nanotubes, liposomes, lipid-nanoparticle hybrids, protein, and polymeric nanoparticles, and exosome-mimetics to deliver a variety of therapeutics, vaccines, and immunotherapeutics. We have expertise and facilities to scale up nanoparticles production using microfluidics, as performing pre-clinical testing in cancer models.
Dr. Yiota Gregoriou ()
Working Groups 1 and 2
Laboratory of Cancer Biology and Chemoprevention, Department of Biology
University of Cyprus
Dr. Gregoriou’s research interests include the design, formulation, physicochemical characterization and in vitro and in vivo evaluation of the pharmacokinetics of nanosized drugs for theranostics, validation and optimization of the properties of drug delivery systems, and to their ability to be used for pre-screening patients and enabling personalized medicine. I am particularly interested on illustrating and visualizing how well these theranostic carrier materials deliver pharmacologically active agents to the pathological site, and how well they prevent them from accumulating in potentially endangered healthy tissues.
Assistant Prof. Dr. Yücel Baspinar ()
Working Group 1
Department of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
EGE University
Bornova-Izmir, Turkey
Development and in vitro characterization of nanoparticulate drug delivery systems; transfection, gene expression and apoptosis studies using non-viral delivery systems for nucleic acids.