Webinar Recordings

You can access the recordings of our Industrial Partners Workshop Series -September 2021 by clicking on the link below:


Phoenix Open Innovation Test Bed for GMP Manufacturing of Nanopharmaceuticals

Dr. Nazende Günday-Türeli, MyBiotec, Germany



Lipid Nanoparticles methods, characteristics, and applications in drug delivery

Dr. Paolo Gasco, Nanovector, Italy



Safety-by-design – important cornerstones on the way to the (nano)market

Mag. pharm. Susanne Resch, MSc



Biomedical applications of thick film technology

Dr. Marin Gheorghe, NANOM MEMS, Romania



The REFINE Decision Support System (DSS) for cost-efficient preclinical assessment of nano(bio)materials used in the medical sector

Dr. Lisa Pizzol, GreenDecision, Italy

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You can also have access to these recordings on our YouTube channel





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Funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme
of the European Union