International Conference
Dear COSTers,
After the successful 3rd Worldwide Meeting of Young Academies (WWMYA) hosted by the South African Young Academy of Science (SAYAS) in Johannesburg,South Africa in July 2017,we are delighted to announce that the 4th WWMYA will be hosted by Vietnam Young Academy in the beautiful Da Nang city in Vietnam from 29th July to 2nd August 2019. WWMYAs aim to enhance and facilitate ideas exchange on the establishment and development of National Young Academies (NYAs) and to strengthen networking and collaboration between NYAs on a global level. The meeting is organized in conjunction with a 2 days scientific meeting on Nanomaterials for Healthcare. Cancers and infectious diseases are the two most deadly diseases in Vietnam, and nanotechnology is one of its research focuses.
For abstract submission, registration, and further info, please visit the Conference website