Dear COSTers,
please find below the message from our Officer, Dr. Lucia Forzi, about the possibility of becoming a member of the European Commission expert groups who will be resposible for designing and managing the upcoming Horizon Europe Missions:
Dear all,
Please be informed that the European Commission has opened recruitment for Horizon Europe Mission Boards. More info can be obtained by reading the pdf file which can be downloaded from this page.
A total of 75 successful applicants, divided equally among five themes, will be responsible for designing and managing the Missions, the deadline for applications is midday on 11 June. For the background some reading is available here:
The five already agreed themes for the missions are:
- adapting to climate change
- cancer
- healthy oceans, seas, coastal and inland waters
- smart, climate-neutral cities
- soil health and food
We would appreciate to be informed in case any of you would be selected to contribute to the Mission Boards.
Thanks a lot.
Kind regards,
Lucia Forzi