
Dear COSTers,
we are pleased to announce our upcoming 2nd STSM Conference that will be held online on February 23...

Dear COSTers,

on behalf of the COST Action ‘Cancer nanomedicine - from the bench to the bedside’ (Nano2Clinics) and the...

Dear COSTers,

we are pleased to announce our upcoming CA17140 2nd Training School, entitled: Preclinical and clinical methods in...

Dear COSTers,

the European Commission (EC) has recently opened Open Research Europe, the EC's fully open access publishing platform...

Dear COSTers,
our CA17140 Final Conference will be held in Rome, Italy, on October 25-26, 2022. The in person event...

#MyCA17140 from Sanda Boca

Although our community has not responded as it deserved, the contribution from Sanda Boca-Farcau deserves a proper mention from the...

COST Action CA17140 is the first, pan-European interdisciplinary network of representatives from academic institutions and small and medium enterprises including clinical research organizations (CROs) devoted to the development of nanosystems carrying anticancer drugs from their initial design, pre-clinical testing of efficacy, pharmacokinetics and toxicity to the preparation of detailed protocols needed for the first phase of their clinical studies.

By promoting scientific exchanges, technological implementation and innovative solutions, the Action will provide a timely instrument to rationalize and focus research efforts at the EU level in dealing with the grand challenge of nanomedicine translation in cancer, one of the major and societal-burdening human pathologies.



IMPORTANT NOTICE: each CA17140 publication must report the following official sentence in the acknowledgment section:

This article/publication is based upon work from COST Action CA 17140 "Cancer Nanomedicine from the Bench to the Bedside" supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology).

All applicants must carefully read the funding rules detailed on the COST website and acknowledge COST as a funding source. The acknowledgment shall follow the COST guidelines on visual identity.

Visual identity - COST – available here



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Funded by the European Union