April 2019

Call for Young Investigators Invited talk in European Material Research Society (EMRS) Fall Meeting 2019

Submitted by Prof Sabrina Pricl on Mon, 22/04/2019 - 14:00

Dear COSTers

Dr. Thorat, MC Member from Ireland, will also be organizing a Young Investigator Session in European Materials Research Society (EMRS) Fall Meeting 2019 in Warsaw Poland.

EMRS is Europe's highly recognized and prestigious society. The session will be arranged under "Symposium V Bioinspired and Biointegrated Materials as New Frontiers Nanomaterials IX".

The Symposium is scheduled from 16-19 September 2019. The theme of session is 'Functional Hybrid Nano structures for Theranostics' and will cover 10-12 special invited talks from young researchers across the world on nanomedicine and biomedical applications. 

5 invited talks are reserved to COST Action 17140 consortium...

Elsevier Book on Nanomedicine: Contribution from COST members

Submitted by Prof Sabrina Pricl on Mon, 22/04/2019 - 13:35

Dear COSTers,

Dr. Thorat, MC member from Ireland, will edit a book entitled 'NANOMEDICINES FOR BREAST CANCER THERANOSTICS' which will be published by Elsevier as part of the well-established Micro- and Nanotechnologies series. 

Thus, Dr. Thorat would like to invite all COST action members to contribute chapters to the upcoming book. The book will be available via Amazon and will be listed on Scopus. It will also be submitted for inclusion to the Books Citation Index, which part of the Web of Science and corresponding authors will get free ecopy of the book.

The COST Action 17140 will be dully acknowledged in...

Closing day of the FIRST CA17140 TRAINING SCHOOL

Submitted by Prof Sabrina Pricl on Thu, 11/04/2019 - 10:37
Picture of the CA17140 TS class

With the keynote lecture of Prof. Dganit Danino, from Haifa Technion (IL) on Cryo-TEM and other imaging techniques to characterize nanomedicine the 4-day First CA17140 Training School (TS) came to its end.

The TS featured 54 students coming to the University of Trieste from all over the continent (Greece, Portugal, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, Russia, Finland, Ireland, Norway, Israel, Poland, Cyprus, Turkey, Switzerland, The republic of Serbia, Latvia, Romania, Germany, Slovenia.

The students also had the chance to present their work and exchange their experiences during two poster-viewing sections.

10 different trainers alternate during 4 days teaching the students about...

Nanotechnology in Cancer: Engineering for Oncology

Submitted by Prof Sabrina Pricl on Tue, 02/04/2019 - 15:43

The European Association for Cancer Research (EACR) invites you to attend the international conference on:

Nanotechnology in Cancer: Engineering for Oncology

to be held in Cambridge, UK, from September 12-14, 2019.

More info (location, abstract submission deadline, website and program) can be found here.

The conference leaflet is available on this page.

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