February 2019


Dear COSTers,

you are all cordially invited to attend the upcoming symposium on NANOMEDICINE FOR TREATING CANCER AND BRAIN DISEASES, which will be held on 8th March 2019,14:00-18:00, at the Salle Raymond Kern, Centre Interdisciplinaire de Nanoscience de Marseille, Campus Luminy, Marseille, France.

Please click here to reach the relevant event page on this website for invited speakers and lecture titles, or contact our MC member and local organizer Dr. Ling Peng at


Opening of extra-call for no-grant attendance to the FIRST CA training school

Dear COSTers,
as you know the first CA17140 Training School (TS) wil be held at the University of Trieste, Italy, from April 8 to April 11, 2019.

We are pleased to announce that we can now open 20 further positions for attending to the TS, which are reserved to early career investigators (ECIs, ie., master students, PhD students, and junior post-docs/researchers). Admission to the TS is free of charge; YET NO REIMBURSEMENT CAN BE PROVIDED TO THE TRAINEES FOR TRAVELING AND ACCOMODATION.

Light launches and coffe-breaks will be served during the entire TS, and will be offered to...

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Funded by the European Union