June 2019

16th European Symposium on Controlled Drug Delivery

Congress Image

Dear COSTers,

The Organizing Committee cordially invites you to attend the

16th European Symposium on Controlled Drug Delivery

to be held at the Hotel Zuiderduin, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, from April 8-10, 2020.

More info (location, abstract submission deadline, website and program) can be found here.

The conference leaflet is available on this page.


1st COST Action CA17140 Conference

Dear COSTers,

this fall we are going to organize the 1st COST Action CA17140 Conference. The event will be held in Riga, Latvia from the 15th to 17th of October. Prof. Maria Issagouliantis kindly agreed to host it.

As this is a COST official event, there will be no fee for attending the conference.

The Conference programs includes the following sessions:

- design, sythesis, scale up and GMP aspects of nanodrugs

- physico-chemical characterization of nanodrugs

- preclinical studies of nanodrugs

- clinical trials and regulatory aspects of nanomedicines.

You are all kindly invited to submit an abstract...

ACTION WG1 MEETING in Madeira - Agenda and Book of Abstracts

Dear COSTers,

our upcoming ACTION WG1 Meeting (July 13-14, 2019) will be held at the Universidade da Madeira, Colégio dos Jesuítas, Rua dos Ferreiros, Funchal on the Madeira Island, Portugal.

The Meting Book of Abstracts, which includes the Meeting Agenda, can be downloaded from this page.

Looking forward to seeing all COSTers participants and to an inspiring and productive meeting!

A 3.5 year PhD studentship in development of a simple, cheap, reliable device with shape variant nanoparticles for pathogen sensing

Dear COSTers,

we are pleased to inform you that a 3.5 year PhD studentship in development of a simple, cheap, reliable device with shape variant nanoparticles for pathogen sensing is available at UCL, London, UK.

Deadline for application submission is June 20, 2019. However, the position will be filled as soon as suitabale candidate is found.

Funding is guaranteed, whether it will be deal or no deal Brexit.

Interested candidates are urged to contact Prof Thanh () as soon as possible.

More info about the project can be found here:



European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) logo
Funded by the European Union