October 2019

The 1st CA17140 Conference IS PAPER-FREE

Submitted by Prof Sabrina Pricl on Sat, 12/10/2019 - 08:06

Dear COSTers,

in the full spirit of environmental protection and forest conservation we are proud to annouce that the Conference Program and the Book of Abstracts WILL NOT BE PRINTED. Both can be easily viewed on your smartphone, tablet and pc and/or downloaded from the Conference dedicated pages on this website or by directly clicking on the links below:

1st CA17140 Conference Program

1st CA17140 Book of Abstracts

Thank you for making this Conference eco-friendly!

New book: External Field and Radiation Stimulated Breast Cancer Nanotheranostics

Submitted by Prof Sabrina Pricl on Tue, 01/10/2019 - 17:37

Dear COSTers,

our Action member Nanasaheb Thorat has just published - together with Joanna Bauer - the new book entitled: External Field and Radiation Stimulated Breast Cancer Nanotheranostics.

As the book could be of interested for us, please visit the webiste for further info: https://iopscience.iop.org/book/978-0-7503-2416-8

Congrats to the authors!

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