October 2020

#ETPN2020 - 15th annual event of the European Technology Platform on Nanomedicine

Dear COSTers,

ETPN2020 is a virtual conference bringing together scientists, technology providers, entrepreneurs, industry and clinicians, all of them developing great medical applications of Nanotechnologies and emerging MedTech.. Join and participate to strategic discussions about the future of Nanomedicine & sessions about translation to clinic of nanomedical products. For more information please visit:


COST Academy free webinars on IP and standardization

Dear COSTers

Following the successful COST Connect – Action for Standards event, held in November 2019, the COST Academy is organizing two webinars on the topics of Intellectual Property (IP) and Standardisation. The topics are closely related and relevant to the work of many COST Actions. The webinars are therefore organised with the specific target group of COST Action participants in mind, and will be delivered by the European IP Helpdesk and CEN and CENELEC.

As this is the first time COST is offering training sessions on these topics, the level of both webinars will be introductory. Please note that...

European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) logo
Funded by the European Union