October 2019

School of Nanomedicine, Trieste, December 11-13 2019

Dear COSTers,

please see the info about the upcoming Nanomedicine School to be held in Trieste from December 11-13, 2019.

The School is dedicated to Master students, PhD students, early stage researchers, and whoever is interested in an introduction to this rather new field of research.

More info at: http://www.ba.ic.cnr.it/nanomedicine2019/



Euronanomed project featuring CA17140 members proposed for funding

Dear COSTers,

we are very pleased to announce that the project “Nanomedine for glioblastoma therapy” (NANO4GLIO), coordinated by our Action member Valentin Cena from Spain and having two other Action members - Prof. Aiva Plotniece from Latvia and Prof. René Roy from Canada (Université du Québec à Montréal - who has just submitted his request as MC Observer), has just been proposed for funding within 10th Joint Transnational Call (JTC) for "European Innovative Research & Technological Development Projects in Nanomedicine" within the framework of the ERA-NET EuroNanoMed III. 

In response to this call, 91 eligible pre-proposals were submitted...

EPF European Polymer Congress in Prague

Dear COSTers,

The EPF European Polymer Congress will be held 27 June – 2 July 2021 in Prague, Czech Republic.

The Congress is organized by the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Czech Academy of Sciences with the auspices of the European Polymer Federation and the Czech Chemical Society.

Our member Martin Hruby invites you all to atted this interesting meeting.

Please find more details at: www.epf2021.org

Two ECIs from ITCs awarded at the 1st CA17140 Conference

During our 1st CA17140 Conference in Riga (15-17/10/2019) 14 early career investigators (ECIs) belonging to the COST Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITCs) presented their excellent work.

In this context, two of them were awarded by the CA17140 CG members with a grant to attend an International Conference of their choice to present the results of their Action-related research.

The ITC list and the COST EC policy for ITC can be found at https://www.cost.eu/who-we-are/cost-strategy/excellence-and-inclusivene…

So, congratulations to the two award recipeints, Claudia Martins from Portugal and Weronika Gaweda from Poland, for their excellent presentations and all other ECIs from all over Europe...

The BRANCH initiative to be launched in March 2020

Dear COSTers,

Our Action member Evgeny Apartsin is launching the BRANCH society - An interdisciplinary forum for dendrimers, dendrons and branched polymers to fight global challenges.

The major aims of this initiative are:

  • To promote the development of the branched polymers science, technology and applications

  • To engage active young scientists into the field

  • To help establishing horizontal links across different disciplines

  • To exchange opinions ang get new ideas

  • To disseminate knowledge among global audience

This initative is of great interest for our Action. As such, we strongly support it and  reccommend you all to download the relevant presentation from this...

Our Action presented at the Russia-UK workshop on biomaterials for cell and drug delivery in Manchester, UK

Dear COSTers,

our member Evgeny Apartsin (University of Novosibirsk, Russia) was an ambassador of our action at the Russia-UK workshop on "Biomaterials for cell and drug delivery", which was held September 17-19 2019 at the Metropolitan University in Manchester, U.K.

Evgeny presented his Action-related work performed in collaboration with the University of Alcala, Spain. You can find more details in the pdf file downloadable from this page.

Please follow his example and be an Action Ambassador when you give your cancer nanomedicine and Action-related preesentations at Conferences and Workshops!


WG1 Deliverables

Dear COSTers,

three WG1 deliverables are now available for download from the WG1 page. Please click here for a quick link.

The 4th deliverable deadline has been moved to the beginning of 2020.

Please ckech the relevant page for update.

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Funded by the European Union