1st COST Action CA17140 Conference

Event type

International Conference

Hotel Bellevue
Riga, Latvia

Dear COSTer,

this fall we are going to organize the 1st COST Action CA17140 Conference. The event will be held in Riga, Latvia from the 15th to 17th of October. Prof. Maria Issagouliantis kindly agreed to host it.

As this is a COST official event, there will be no fee for attending the conference.

The Conference programs includes the following sessions:

- design, sythesis, scale up and GMP aspects of nanodrugs

- physico-chemical characterization of nanodrugs

- preclinical studies of nanodrugs

- clinical trials and regulatory aspects of nanomedicines.

You are all kindly invited to submit an abstract to the conference. Please use the abstract template downloadable from this page and send your contribution by mail to .

The successful abstract submission will be immeditely acknowledged by an automatic reply message.

Please note that the deadline for abstract submission is July 19, 2019.

Also, please inform early career investigators (ECIs) and Ph.D. students iabout the conference. A special session entirely dedicated to ECIs and PhD student presentations is planned.

The Action chair, vice-chair, the Scientific and Local Organizing Committe really look forward to your important contirbution to this First ACTION Conference!

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Funded by the European Union