Dear COSTers
Dr. Thorat, MC Member from Ireland, will also be organizing a Young Investigator Session in European Materials Research Society (EMRS) Fall Meeting 2019 in Warsaw Poland.
EMRS is Europe's highly recognized and prestigious society. The session will be arranged under "Symposium V Bioinspired and Biointegrated Materials as New Frontiers Nanomaterials IX".
The Symposium is scheduled from 16-19 September 2019. The theme of session is 'Functional Hybrid Nano structures for Theranostics' and will cover 10-12 special invited talks from young researchers across the world on nanomedicine and biomedical applications.
5 invited talks are reserved to COST Action 17140 consortium members. All interested contributors shoudl directly contact Dr. Thorat at
NOTE: Dr. Thorat is also organizing a Special Issue in Journals NANOMEDICINE or/and Materials Science and Engineering:B and all presenters will be invited to submit manuscript in the special issue.