Dear COSTers,
our WG2 leader, Dr. Ivana Vinkovic Vrcek, will be the the Guest Editor of the Nanomaterials (MDP) Special Issue on Safety and Biocompatibility of Metallic Nanoparticles.
This Special Issue aims to cover all aspects of safe production, safe use and safe disposal of mNPs promoting implementation of the SbD concept. Contributions are welcome on:
- methodologies for design and production of less hazardous mNPs using combination of non-testing predictions together with high-throughput screening tools,
- characterisation of mNPs providing the key characteristics that influence the release, exposure, behaviour, effects and subsequent environmental and/or human risks of different forms, types and sizes of mNPs;
- transformation pattern and fate of mNPs in different biological or environmental compartments encompassing the conditions, extent and rate of change of mNPs structure and stability throughout the different stages of their life cycle;
- dose metrics that define a particular response of mNPs in certain biological or environmental system;
- evaluation of exposure risk for workers, consumers and environment by identifying actions for risk mitigation such as life cycle assessment and risk vs. benefit ratio profiling for mNPs.
For more info and paper submission please contact Dr. Vinkovic Vrcek () or visit the Nanomaterials Special Issue website at the journal website.
The special issue flyer can be downloaded from this page.
Dr. Vircek invites all COSTers to contribute to this special issue of Nanomaterials, which is now open for submission (final deadline July 7, 2020).