Dear COSTers,
the CA17140 Cancer nanomedicine - from the bench to the bedside call for expression of interest for VIRTUAL NETWORKING MOBILITY GRANTS is now open.
Applicants are CA17140 Action participants with a primary affiliation to an institution located in a COST Full or Cooperating Member country or MC Observers from a COST Near Neighbour Country.
Applicants shall provide information about the aim of the VM Grant and how its outcomes will generate benefits to the Action CA17140, actively contribute to the activities and overall objectives of the Action and submit a report at the end, to be approved by the VNS manager on behalf of the MC.
The evaluation of applications is performed by the CA17140 Action’s Virtual Networking Support (VNS) Manager with the support of the Core Group, if necessary. The selection of successful grantees shall be based on contributions to the overall objectives of the Action and the implementation of the COST Excellence and Inclusiveness Policy as well as the approved strategy on virtual networking for the Action CA17140, if available.
The applications shall be submitted in e-COST and include required information detailed in the Vademecum, section 10.2.2.
The requirements on activities expected to be performed by the successful applicant are listed in section 10.2.3 of the Vademecum.
The successful applicants shall implement the workplan approved in their application within the time frame also there defined and within CA 17140 Grant Period lasting until October 31, 2021.
The grantee will have the obligation to actively contribute to the activities of the relevant Action WG.
The grantee has 30 calendar days from the completion of the Virtual Mobility Grant to submit a report to the Action Chair/ the VNS Manager and to the Science Officer of the Action.
Deadline for applications submission: open collection.
With the provision that the submission and grant implementation will be within the Grant Period lasting until October 31, 2021, taking into account application evaluation processing time – up to 7 days.
A maximum of 6 Virtual Mobility Grants will be awarded. Each Virtual Mobility Grant cannot exceed EUR 1500.
The user guide is available for download from this page.
We llok forward to your submissions!