January 2019


Submitted by Prof Sabrina Pricl on Mon, 28/01/2019 - 11:21

Dear COSTers,

the organizing committee of the BioNanoMed 2019, the 10th International Congress on Nanotechnology in Biology and Medicine is pleased to announce that the deadline for abstract submission has been extended to FEBRUARY 4 2019.

To submit your abstract please visit: http://www.bionanomed.at/

FIRST CA17140 Training School, University of Trieste - first announcement

Submitted by Prof Sabrina Pricl on Tue, 22/01/2019 - 11:27

The first CA17140 Training School will be held at University of Trieste, Piazzale Europa 1, Trieste, Italy, from April 8 to April 11, 2019.

Topics of the upcoming Training School are listed below:

a) computer assisted design of nanomaterials for cancer cell targeting in therapeutics and diagnostics

b) experimental design and synthesis of nanomaterials for cancer cell targeting in therapeutics and diagnostics

c) nanomedicine standardization protocols, scale-up procedures and GMP issues

d) chemico-physical characterization of nanomedicines

e) risk assessment and management of nanomedicines

f) translational aspects of nanomedicines in cancer

g) decision making on preclinical in vivo studies and animal disease models.

More details will follow...

3rd Edition of Global Conference on Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery Systems

Submitted by Prof Sabrina Pricl on Thu, 17/01/2019 - 14:07

June 24-26
Holiday Inn Paris – Marne La Vallée 
2 boulevard du Levant, 93160 Noisy-le-grand
Paris, France

The 3rd Edition of Global Conference on Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery Systems (PDDS2019) is going to be held in Paris, France during June 24-26, 2019. PDDS serve as a podium for the interaction between experts in the areas of pharmaceutics, drug delivery, nanomedicine, biotechnology, and nanotechnology around the world and aims in sharing some unique research and translational studies on various advances in the related fields. The conference opens the doors for many researchers in academia, clinicians, and industry representatives working in these...

Publications from the Action and proper acknowledgements

Submitted by Prof Sabrina Pricl on Wed, 09/01/2019 - 13:31

Dear COSTers,

the PUBLICATIONS page is now available on the public part of our website. All scientific publications resulting exclusively from joint efforts among CA17140 members can be listed on this webpage.

For each open access publication, the corresponding pdf will also be uploaded if provided by the author(s); for all other copyrighted publications, proper link to corresponding doi/editor website will be provided.

You are all kindly invited to send to the CA dissemination manager all relevant information, when avaialble.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: each CA17140 publication must report the following official sentence in the acknowledgment section:

This article/publication is based...

5th International Conference “Current Trends in Cancer Theranostics"

Submitted by Prof Sabrina Pricl on Thu, 03/01/2019 - 09:59
Cancer theranostics - first call

Dear COSTers,

on behalf of the organizer, Dr. Vladimir Sivakov, you are cordially invited to attend the 5thInternational Conference “Current Trends in Cancer Theranostics", June 30th - July 4th, 2019,  Vilnius Grand Spa Hotel, Vilnius/Lithuania.

The topics of conference are strongly related with the main topics of our COST Actiom:

New Biomaterials for Cancer Theranostics - Drug Delivery Agents
Tumor Visualization – New Ways in Cancer Diagnostic
Cancer Therapy - New Ways in Cancer Therapy

For more info, please visit the conference website at:


Confererence first call avaialbe here!


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