FIRST CA17140 Training School, University of Trieste - first announcement

The first CA17140 Training School will be held at University of Trieste, Piazzale Europa 1, Trieste, Italy, from April 8 to April 11, 2019.

Topics of the upcoming Training School are listed below:

a) computer assisted design of nanomaterials for cancer cell targeting in therapeutics and diagnostics

b) experimental design and synthesis of nanomaterials for cancer cell targeting in therapeutics and diagnostics

c) nanomedicine standardization protocols, scale-up procedures and GMP issues

d) chemico-physical characterization of nanomedicines

e) risk assessment and management of nanomedicines

f) translational aspects of nanomedicines in cancer

g) decision making on preclinical in vivo studies and animal disease models.

More details will follow (end of January)

For furthe info please contact the Local School Organizer

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Funded by the European Union