May 2019

EU Commission opens recruitment for Horizon Europe mission boards

Submitted by Prof Sabrina Pricl on Fri, 31/05/2019 - 15:36

Dear COSTers,

please find below the message from our Officer, Dr. Lucia Forzi, about the possibility of becoming a member of the European Commission expert groups who will be resposible for designing and managing the upcoming Horizon Europe Missions:

Dear all,

Please be informed that the European Commission has opened recruitment for Horizon Europe Mission Boards. More info can be obtained by reading the pdf file which can be downloaded from this page.

A total of 75 successful applicants, divided equally among five themes, will be responsible for designing and managing the Missions, the deadline for applications is midday on...

Results of the First CA1740 Training School questionnaire

Submitted by Prof Sabrina Pricl on Sat, 18/05/2019 - 08:28
TS average score

Dear COSTers,

following the conclusion of our First CA17140 Training School (TS), held in Trieste from April 8-11, 2019, we are glad to publish the results of the TS questionnaire, received from 40 our of 50 attendees.

We are proud to announce that, in a scale from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree), the average answer score  to all questions is equal to 4.5! Thank you attendees for helping us to make this TS a great event:  we are really happy to know you not only enjoyed the TS but also learned a lot of new, useful concepts in...

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Funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme
of the European Union