Dear COSTers,
following the conclusion of our First CA17140 Training School (TS), held in Trieste from April 8-11, 2019, we are glad to publish the results of the TS questionnaire, received from 40 our of 50 attendees.
We are proud to announce that, in a scale from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree), the average answer score to all questions is equal to 4.5! Thank you attendees for helping us to make this TS a great event: we are really happy to know you not only enjoyed the TS but also learned a lot of new, useful concepts in cancer nanomedicine which will inspire you along your scientific research journey.
The full questionnaire results can be download from this page, while a limited, country-distributed selection among all enthusiastic comments received from the TS young trainees is reported below.
See you at the next CA17140 TS!
The local organizer committee
"Attending th TS was a great learning experience. I had the chace to learn from and to talk to experts from different fields in a relaxed atmosphere, to exchenge information and experience with othr trainees, and i hae become aware of some aspects I have not considered before, whcih will be extremely beneficial for my future work." Marina Kovacevic, The Republic of Serbia
"This TS was a "mind opener" for me who just finished my PhD. Not only it made me realize the important of risk assessment instaed of looking only to the efficacy of nanometerials, but also all new tools this TS introduced me to are crucial for my rsearch. During this week I was able to understand the GMP practices that we need to pursue since the beginning of our investigations, adn important computational and instrumental ttools that can improve and complete our research. Moreover, it allowed me to fully realize the difficulties and the most important steps we will face along the translational pathway of nanomedicines." Rita Pires, Portugal
"The variety and quality of lectures at the TS was great. I learnt about a range of areas I had not previously come across!" Anna Patterson, United Kingdom
"The first TS of the COST Action Nano2Clinc was an inportant moment for applied nanomedicine in Europe, because after a long time it brought together the major European experts in a research network to try to overcome all the challenges of nanopharmaceuticals for the benefit of patients." Enrico Catalano, Norway
"I attended the TS under the advice of my Company Tutor. Since I work on extracellular vesicles, I was a little
worried about my lack of knowledge in the field of nanomaterials, but I must say that the course was
understandable, very interesting and It opened my mind to aspects that I had not previously known.
Thanks for giving me this opportunity." Eleonora Trovato, Italy
"The first Nano2Clinic COST Action TS in Trieste was very well organized including compact and high quality lectures. We had small-groups discussions every afternoon. during these discussions we had ti complete assignments as a group. These assignments created a friendly learning environment and opportunity of exchanging ideas." Bilge Guvenc-Tuna, Turkey
"This experience opened my eyes regarding the scale-up aspects in nanomedicine, and enriched my knowledge in cancer specific features, that all need to be taken into account when working with nanomedicies." Andra-Sorina Tatar, Romania
"Overall my experince was wonderful. Firstly I enjoyed and explored the Trieste city and found people
was awesome and friendly. Regarding to TS, it gave me opportunity to show my research to other
researcher through poster session and which helpful me to generate new ideas after discussion with them.
Further trainers gave me ideas about the cutting edge techniques like microfluidic, molecular simulation
can be used for in depth analysis of our research." Prakram S. Chauhan, Israel