Collaborative research supported by NanoCommons transnational access

Dear COSTers,

we received and posted this on our website as we think it might be of interest to our community.

Dear colleague,

NanoCommons kindly invites you to its next workshop on " Collaborative research supported by NanoCommons transnational access".

Best wishes, 

Beatriz Alfaro on behalf of The NanoCommons Team


Dear researcher, data manager, modeller, et al.

NanoCommons is fostering collaborative research by trying to bring the nanosafety community together to work hands-on on the establishment of ways to make data and software platforms, developed in the different projects, to talk to each other. To give this a major push, we are now organising a workshop where, first, different organisations, that have already applied for Transnational Access projects with NanoCommons, will report about their experiences. This will be followed by presentations on how the learnings from these projects resulted in collaboration and interoperability concepts, which could be extended to span across different tools and platforms, and on the upcoming training activities of NanoCommons and other possible follow-ups to this workshop.

In this way, we hope that we are able to showcase how NanoCommons could support all of you, individually and as a group, as independent data harmoniser, platform harmoniser (e.g., through joint APIs, containerisation solutions, etc.) and overall data/metadata consultant not creating new tools or replacing existing solutions but to bring all these closer together so that they can be combined into integrated workflows. This could be based on common metadata and data standards, linking of data warehouses, workflow tools (KNIME, Jupyter) and deployment options to combine different services with complementary features. This could also be supplemented by ways of collaborative dissemination of the results from the projects and knowledge sharing like common service catalogues, training and knowledge platforms and the shared usage of applications like electronic lab notebooks. These are just some first thought-starters but of course we are open to hearing your needs and even more important things you could / would like to bring in.

NanoCommons would like to listen to your goals and approaches. To understand how this could be best achieved, please register here for the open virtual workshop on November 9th (10:00 - 13:00h CET). Feel free tocirculate this invitation within your networks to catch as many interested parties as possible.

In addition, to ensure that the NanoCommons services are tailored to the needs that you identify as roadblocks or challenges in your work, please do not forget to complete this short questionnaire, to inform us about the needs and goals of you/your project:

Best wishes,

Beatriz Alfaro

on behalf of the NanoCommons team

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Funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme
of the European Union