WG2 Online Conference: Characterisation of nanomaterials towards safe and efficient nanodrugs

Submitted by Prof Sabrina Pricl on Fri, 23/04/2021 - 20:07

Dear COSTers,

the WG2 conference “Characterisation of nanomaterials towards safe and efficient nanodrugs” will be held online on June 22-23 2021.

Submission of contributions is open, with final deadline on May 27, 2021.

Tentative program:

1 –Current techniques and recent advances in physicochemical characterization of nanodrugs (multi method approach, pros/cons for each technique, interferences)

2 - Quality control of nanopharmaceuticals and nano-drug delivery systems throughout the production

3 – Nano-bio interactions governing the efficacy of nanodrugs

4 – Techniques and methods for evaluation of drug loading and release from nanoformulations

Day 1 (topics 1 and 2):

  • Plenary lecture (40 min)
  • Short oral presentations (8 per day (4 per topic), 10 min each + 5 min for questions)
  • General discussion
  • Poster presentations ECI, PhD students, MSc students in the form of micro video presentations (2-3 minutes, 3 slides) open for comments/discussions/feedback on YouTube channel

Day 2 (topics 3 and 4):

  • Plenary lecture (40 min)
  • Short oral presentations (8 per day (4 per topic), 10 min each + 5 min for questions)
  • General discussion
  • Poster presentations ECI, PhD students, MSc students in the form of micro video presentations (2-3 minutes, 3 slides) open for comments/discussions/feedback on YouTube channel

Dissemination strategy:

  • All talks are to be posted and open for discussions on YouTube
  • Poster session (available online on this website)
  • Secure bibliographic data of the abstract book (ISBN, doi)
  • Collect opinions of lecturers and discussion groups and selected contributors in a Book (CRC)

Publication fees (bibliographical data, book publication fees) – eligibility to be verified with COST

You are all invited to participate!

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