January 2021

A series of webinars to ensure continuing education and dissemination in our Action

Dear COSTers,

Given the terrible ongoing COVID-19 pandemic the Action CG, during the last virtual meeting hold on Jan 29, 2021,  decided to launch a continuing series of webinars on subjects focused on the Actions WGs.

These seminars will be held on a regular once-a-month basis. The WG leaders and vice leaders will be in charge organizing and managing the webinars pertaining to their own WG. The invitation containing all webinar information will be sent in due time to all Action members by the webinar organizers.

Please note that:

1) Each webinar will consist in a training...

Special Issue of Pharmaceutics dedicated to our Action - extension of deadline for paper submission

Dear COSTers,

As the Guest Editor of the Special Issue of Pharmaceutics (IF 4.421) “Cancer Nanomedicine—From the Bench to the Bedside” entirely devoted to our Action, it is my pleasure inform you that the dinal deadline for paper submission has been post-poned to the end of August, 2021 in consideration of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Accordingly, I strongly encourage you to submit an article on any Action-related topic. The article may be either a full paper or a communication based on your own research in this area, or may be a focused review article on some aspect of the subject...

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