February 2021

5th STSMs call OPEN

Dear COSTers,

the 5th STSMs call is open for submission. Please find all details in the pdf document available on this page. For further info and enquiries please contact the STSM coordinator, Prof. Maria Francesca Ottaviani ().

Registration for 1st Action webinar OPEN

Dear COSTers,

you and your co-workers (including Master and PhD students) are all nvited to register to our 1st Action webinar by clicking on the link below:


Please keep in mind that REGISTRATION IS MANDATORY as the link to the webinar event will be sent ONLY to those who registered. Registration is also required for reporting to the EC.

Let's go ahead with registration and contribute to this great webinar series initiative!

1st Action webinar launched

Dear COSTers,

the first of our Action webinar series will be held on February 17, 2021, starting at 4 pm on Zoom.

For the training session, Prof. Lajosh Balogh will give a lecture on  "Manuscript preparation and publications - the basics."
In his talk, Prof. Balogh  (his CV is available for download on this page) will discuss the following topics:

  • relations of science and publications;
  • the hierarchy of what we know;
  • the role of publications and the cycle of scientific research;
  • practical steps (the basic process of writing a manuscript, principles, title, abstract, closing);
  • typical mistakes to avoid; and, 
  • the editorial...
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Funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme
of the European Union