February 2022

Final CA17140 Conference - call for presentations and Organizing Committee now open

Dear COSTers,

Your Vice-Chair and I are pleased to announce that the call for presenting your contribution to our CA17140 Final Conference (July 11-12, 2022, Trieste, Italy) is now open.

The template for abstract submission can be downloaded from this page and should be sent to both the Action Chair () and Vice-Chair ()

Please note that the deadline for abstract submission is MAY 1, 2022.

Contextually, we open a call for forming the Organizing Committee. This is specifically dedicated to all Young Researcher/Innovator volunteers!

Applications for becoming an Organizing Committee member must be sent via e-mail...

2nd Science and the Action seminar on computer simulation in cancer nanomedicine scheduled!

Science and the Action!

Dear COSTers,

we are pleased to announce that Dr. Domenico Marson from the Molecular Biology and Nanotechnology Laboratory (MolBNL@UniTS), University of Trieste, Italy, will share with us some exciting aspects of computer-assisted nanomedicine in his Science and the Action seminar "The DOs and DON'Ts of molecular dynamics: how simulations can help nanomedicine" on May 6 2022, from 3 to 4 pm.

An event reminder with the link to join the seminar will be sent to all Action members close to the scheduled date.

We look forward to your enthusiastic participation!

Book from WG2 Conference - Call open for contributions

Dear COSTers,
following our very successful WG2 Conference, our WG2 leader and vice-leader, Dr. Ivana Vinković Vrček and Dr. Evgeny Apartsin, are the Editors in charge of the following Book: Handbook for physicochemical characterisation of nanopharmaceuticals; Subtitle: Fundamentals, protocols, tips and tricks for facilitating quality, efficacy and safety evaluation of nano-enabled medical products, planned in collaboration with the Horizon 2020 project Phoenix “Open InnovationTest Bed for Enabling Nano-pharmaceutical Innovative Products”

The Book will be submitted for publication by The Royal Society of Chemistry, within the Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Series edited by our Action Member Prof. Nguyen TK Thanh...

1st Science and the Action seminar on ITC in cancer nanomedicine scheduled!

Dear COSTers,
we are pleased to announce that Prof. Erik Laurini from the Molecular Biology and Nanotechnology Laboratory (MolBNL@UniTS), University of Trieste, Italy, has graciously accepted to start the fire and is the first officially scheduled speaker of our Science and the Action seminar series.

Erik will tell us about Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC) in cancer nanomedicine on Friday March 18, 2022, from 3 to 4 pm.CET

An event reminder with the link to join the seminar will be sent to all Action members close to the scheduled date.

We look forward to your enthusiastic participation!

Science and the Action! The new CA17140 online seminar series

Science and the Action!

Dear COSTers,

We have decided to launch the Science and the Action series of event in order to foster and promote Action networking, knowledge exchange and general activity. 

Science and the Action will be a bi-weekly 1-hour online series of seminars proffered by ACTION MC and/or any Action Member (young researchers and Innovators most welcome)

These events are scheduled every 1st and 3rd Friday from 3 to 4 pm

Each presentation (about 30 minutes, followed by Q&A) may consist in: report of scientific activity/results, seminar on specific technique(s), laboratory presentation…etc.

The events will be organized by the Action Chair and Vice-Chair (Dr Nazende Günday Türeli) along with a Scientific/ Organizing Committee to be selected among Young Researchers/Innovators


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Funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme
of the European Union