March 2022

Support measures for Scientists from Ukraine

Support measures for Scientists from Ukraine

SNSF initiative submitted by Prof. Carlo Catapano

The SNSF is making available 1 million francs to host researchers from Ukraine at universities in Switzerland through Scholars at Risk and supporting them with a series of additional measures. In collaboration with Scholars at Risk Switzerland, this sum is intended to enable universities to host a first wave of researchers requesting support. This will allow them to pursue their own academic work at institutions in Switzerland. Additional sums may be allocated if the need arises.


For more information:



USI - ...

Support measures for Scientists from Ukraine

Support measures for Scientists from Ukraine

SNSF initiative submitted by Prof. Carlo Catapano

The SNSF is making available 1 million francs to host researchers from Ukraine at universities in Switzerland through Scholars at Risk and supporting them with a series of additional measures. In collaboration with Scholars at Risk Switzerland, this sum is intended to enable universities to host a first wave of researchers requesting support. This will allow them to pursue their own academic work at institutions in Switzerland. Additional sums may be allocated if the need arises.


For more information:



USI - ...

New Science and the Action Seminars scheduled

Science and the Action!

Dear COSTers,
we are pleased to announce that two new Science and the Action seminars have been scheduled as follows:
April 1, 3 pm CET: Dr. Daniel Ruiz Molina, from the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Barcelona, Spain - "Functional coordination polymers at the nanoscale: old materials new tricks in Nanomedicine"
April 8, 3 pm CET: Dr. Aura Tintaru, Aix-Marseille Université - Centre Interdisciplinaire de Nanoscience de Marseille (CINaM), Marseiile, France - "Mass Spectrometry for Nanovectors Characterization".

Links and updates will be posted and sent when finalized.

We look forward to seeing you all the our webinars!

COST Statement on Ukraine

Ukraine flag

Standing firm together with scientists from Europe and the world, COST affirms its solidarity with Ukraine and its people. COST will continue to promote scientific activities for peaceful purposes in strong condemnation of war and violence. COST, by providing networking opportunities for researchers and innovators from Europe and beyond, can be a powerful weapon against totalitarianism. Therefore, COST is calling for international efforts to help ensuring the safety of Ukrainian researchers and innovators.

1st STSM Conference final program and link to the event

Dear COSTers,

on behalf of our Grant Awarding Coordinator, Prof. Ottaviani, and the Organizing Committee of the event, the final Program for our 1st Short Term Scientific Mission Conference is now available for download from this page

As you know, the event will be held virtually on March 16 from 9 am to 7 pm CET.

Below, the Teams link to the event

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We look forward to see you all on line at the Conference!

3rd Science and the Action Seminar scheduled!

Science and the Action

Dear COSTers,

we are pleased to announce that Dr. Enrico Catalano from Italian Institute of Technology (IIT), Aosta, Italy, will share with us the recent advancements of his research in the 3rd Science and the Action seminar "Ultrasound-induced Piezoelectric Nanoparticles for anticancer treatment" on April 16, 2022, from 3 to 4 pm.

An event reminder with the link to join the seminar will be sent to all Action members close to the scheduled date.

We look forward to your enthusiastic participation!

European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) logo
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Funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme
of the European Union