11th AACR-JCA Joint Conference on Breakthroughs in Cancer Research: Biology to Precision Medicine

February 8 - 12, 2019
Westin Maui Resort & Spa, Ka'anapali
Maui, Hawaii, USA

The American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) and Japanese Cancer Association (JCA) are proud to offer this 11th AACR-JCA Joint Conference. This meeting series has a long tradition of bringing together outstanding researchers from across the globe to share their findings and present the latest advances in basic, translational, and clinical cancer research. Formal and informal interactions as well as international collaborations are fostered through this unique forum.  Just as its predecessors have done, this AACR-JCA Joint Conference will take a broad view of contemporary cancer research and will be of interest to basic, translational, and clinical investigators at all career levels.

NOTE: there is a full session devoted to nanotechnology in cancer (Mon, 11 Feb)

For more information, program, and registration please visit:


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Funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme
of the European Union