Two positions open at the Nanostructured Functional Materials group in Barcelona, Spain

Dear COSTers,

the Nanostructured Functional Materials group (Nanosfun, at the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2, in Barcelona, Spain has open postdoctoral and research technician positions. Below you can find all relevant information. For further details please contact our CA17140 member Daniel Ruiz Molina at

Postdoctoral Researcher

The Postdoctoral researcher will contribute to the scientific programme and management of the Tissue Regeneration research line. The work will involve the synthesis, modification, characterization and validation of catechol-based membranes for tissue regeneration. Special emphasis will be applied to the study of the interaction with different biological entities, cells and tissues to assess its preclinical and clinical viability.

Research Support Technician -

The candidate will provide research assistance for the synthesis, functionalization scalability studies and production of the bioadhesives membranes under GMP regulation. Besides, the candidate will be offer research support in the in vitro and preclinical assays involved in the development of the project. The responsibilities will be focused on the fabrication of the membranes and their study using different cell lines involved in the regeneration process of damaged skin. 

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