Dear COSTers,
you are all invited to follow the webinar entitled "Transcytosic Nanomedicine for EPR-Independent Cancer Treatment" that will be given by Prof. Youqing SHEN from Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China on Monday April 11 at 10h30 am (CET). The webinar webinar abstract and the speaker profile can be found at the bottom of the page.
The link and passcode to the webinar are available below:
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 868 6308 4642
Passcode: 331758
The enhanced permeability and retention (EPR) effect or so-called “passive tumor accumulation” has been the basis for design of cancer nanomedicine; however, the EPR features are much less characteristic and highly heterogeneous in human tumors, resulting in unsatisfactory clinical efficacies of current nanomedicines. We developed a strategy using nanocarriers to induce transcytosis of tumor endothelial and cancer cells and enable nanomedicines to actively extravasate into and infiltrate in solid tumors, which led to radically increased anticancer activity, i.e., completely eradicating small solid tumors and significantly extending the survival of mice. So carrier-induced transcytosis of tumor endothelial cells enables EPR-independent extravasation of nanomedicines and overcomes the inherent extravasation and infiltration dilemmas of nanomedicines.
1. Zhou et al, Nature Nanotechnology, 2019, 14, 799-809.
2. Chen et al. Nature Biomedical Engineering, 2021, 5, 1019-1037
Prof. Youqing Shen is a National Changjiang Scholar Chairs Professor in Chemical Engineering at Zhejiang University, China, and a member of AIMBE. His research focuses on design and synthesis of functional polymer biomaterials for drug and gene delivery in nanomedicine and cancer therapy. He has (co)authored over 500 peer-reviewed articles, and is among “Most Cited Scholars” listed by Elsevier Scopus since 2014. He is currently the executive editor for Advanced Drug Delivery Review, and has served as editor-in-chief of Biomaterials Engineering, a Springer-Nature book series, and associate editor for Industrial Engineering Chemistry Research, and. He is also vice-chair of the Nanomedicine Committee in the Chinese Pharmaceutical Association and China Medicinal Biotechnology Association.