October 2021

Collaborative research supported by NanoCommons transnational access

Dear COSTers,

we received and posted this on our website as we think it might be of interest to our community.

Dear colleague,

NanoCommons kindly invites you to its next workshop on " Collaborative research supported by NanoCommons transnational access".

Best wishes, 

Beatriz Alfaro on behalf of The NanoCommons Team


Dear researcher, data manager, modeller, et al.

NanoCommons is fostering collaborative research by trying to bring the nanosafety community together to work hands-on on the establishment of ways to make data and software platforms, developed in the different projects, to talk to each other. To give...

Publishing your work in "Precision Nanomedicine"

Dear COSTers,

as a follow up of Prof. Balogh's seminar, in this page you can find all information about the possibility of publishing your work in Precision Medicine. The same info can be also downloaded in pdf from this page.

Why publish in Precision Nanomedicine?

Not every scientist can afford to publish in prestigious but expensive commercial journals while avoiding predatory publishers. For them, there is Precision Nanomedicine, https://precisionnanomedicine.com/ an upcoming international journal

Precision Nanomedicine (PRNANO) is a free, open access, peer-reviewed journal that promotes all practical, rational, and progressive aspects of nanomedicine and medicine from basic science through...

Online workshop on "FDA Guidance: Drug Products Containing Nanomaterial"

Dear COSTers,

It is a pleasure to announce the upcoming Action webinar entitled "FDA Guidance: Drug Products Containing Nanomaterial" proferred by Dr. Anil Patri, an authority in the field.

The webinar will be held on November 2nd at 8:30 am US EST.

Dr. Patri will focus his lecture on overarching guidance that applies to all products containing nanomaterial and the draft guidance specific to drug products and biologics. In the process, he will bring up about factors to consider when one develops a product through pre-clinical testing.

More info, details and registration to the webinar will be available soon...

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Funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme
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