Special Issue in European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences dedicated to our Action
Dear COSTers,
we are pleased to inform you that, thanks to our Action Member Prof. Bruno Sarmento (University of Porto), Elsevier has accepted to launch a special issue of the European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (EJPS) (https://www.journals.elsevier.com/european-journal-of-pharmaceutical-sc…) dedicated to our Action.
EJPS is an Open Access journal, with current IF = 4.384, ranking it 86 out of 275 in Pharmacology & Pharmacy (Q1)
The special issue is entitled "Cancer Nanomedicine: from the bench to the bedside" and features Prof. Sarmento and the Action Chair (Prof. Sabrina Pricl) as the guest editors.
All submitted papers will receive a 30% discount on...