January 2022

Special Issue in European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences dedicated to our Action

Dear COSTers,

we are pleased to inform you that, thanks to our Action Member Prof. Bruno Sarmento (University of Porto), Elsevier has accepted to launch a special issue of the European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (EJPS) (https://www.journals.elsevier.com/european-journal-of-pharmaceutical-sc…) dedicated to our Action.

EJPS is an Open Access journal, with current IF = 4.384, ranking it 86 out of 275 in Pharmacology & Pharmacy (Q1)

The special issue is entitled "Cancer Nanomedicine: from the bench to the bedside" and  features Prof. Sarmento and the Action Chair (Prof. Sabrina Pricl) as the guest editors.

All submitted papers will receive a 30% discount on...

Registration form and info for the 1st STSM Conference

Dear STSM Grantees,

It is requested by the CA17140 Action COST Officer and Chair that Grantees report about their STSMs at a dedicated Conference . This means that the STSM Grantees are requested to present their STSM scientific reports in one of the two virtual STSM conferences (March 16 and September 22, 2022).

Since another STSM Call is starting now and other new Grantees will present their reports in September, it is recommended to you to  present the reports on March 16, unless having impediments for this date. In this case, please inform me. Also inform me in case, for...

Inclusiveness Target Country (ITC) Conference Grant now open

Dear COSTers,

the Inclusiveness Target Country (ITC) Conference Grant Applications call is now open.

The full call text is available for download from this page.

An ITC (Inclusiveness Target Country)1 Conference grant is financial support for Young Researchers or Innovators (age < 40) with a primary affiliation to a legal entity located in an ITC or from a COST Near Neighbour Country (NNC) to present a poster or an oral communication dealing on their own work to a high-level International Conference.
ITC Conference:
• Serve COST Excellence and Inclusiveness Policy;
• Support Young Researchers and Innovators affiliated in a legal...

6th STSM call now open

Dear COSTers,

the sixth call for short term scientific missions (STSMs) is now open!

All researchers from NANO2CLINIC member countries are strongly invited to submit an application to the call

Deadline for 6th STSM application submission: 15/02/2022

Please note that STSM approved by the STSM Committee in this 6th call must be carried out in the period 20/02/2022 to 27/09/2022

Please visit the STSM 6th call page for more info and carefully read the call text the new STSM rules

Save the date of our COST ACTION Events during 2022

This page lists a selected number of key upcoming Events of our Action that we will hold during 2022.

Check back here as our Action events, webinars, and publication launches, are added regularly. 


  • Management Committee Meeting 2022. 31/01/2022. It will be held virtually.
  • Working Group 3 Meeting. 03/03/2022 -04/03/2022. Location: Bellinzona, Switzerland.
  • 1st STSM Conference. 16/03/2022. It will be held virtually.
  • Workshop "Advancing cancer nanomedicine to the clinics: hypes, hopes, and hurdles". 02/06/2022 - 03/06/2022. Location: Magdeburg, Germany.
  • Working Group 4 Meeting. 15/06/2022 -16/06/2022. Location: Istambul, Turkey.
  • Management Committee Final Meeting. 11/07/2022. It will be held virtually.
  • CA17140 Final...
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