April 2022

Invitation to Nano2Clinic members to Contribution to Special Issue on “Selective Antitumor Therapy Based on Nanotechnology” in Pharmaceutics

Dr. Rosario M. Sánchez Martín, Guest Editor of a Special Issue of the journal Pharmaceutics entitled “Selective Antitumor Therapy Based on Nanotechnology”, will like to invite our Nano2Clinic members to contribute to this special issue. 

Pharmaceutics has received an updated Impact Factor of 6.321, as published in the 2020 Edition of the Journal Citation Reports® (Clarivate), the 5-Year Impact Factor is 6.734. It now ranks 28/275 (Q1) in  Pharmacology & Pharmacy.

Deadline for submission is * 15 September 2022 *.


Please access to the following link for further reading about this special issue:


Rosario M. Sánchez Martín...

Short Term Scientific Mission (STSM) Applications: Call #7 now open

Dear COSTers,

the 7th call for STSM Application is now open. All details can be found in the Call text which ca be downloaded from the dedicated page.

Please note that STSMs granted within the 7th call must be carried out from 20/05/2022 to 31/10/2022, and that all candidates are requested to submit their STSM applications no later than 10/05/2022.

Special Issue on “Dendrimers for Drug Delivery” in the Pharmaceutics Journal


Dear COSTers, 


As the guest editor of the Pharmaceutics Special Issue on “Dendrimers for Drug Delivery”, I would like to cordially invite you to contribute (either alone or with a colleague/post-doc, etc.) with a submission to this Issue. 


We would be happy to receive your excellent contributions to this special issue. Should your response be positive, we would appreciate receiving within the next month a short tentative abstract (100-150 words) describing the topic covered in your contribution. There is plenty of time for preparing your contribution, the deadline for submission being *20 September 2022*. You...

#MyCa17140memories prize contest launched!

Dear COSTers,

the #MyCA17140memories prize contest has been launched. The idea is to gather as many as possible messages about our Action directed to the general public to be collected, published on our website on this dedicated page and on social media, and forwarded to the COST Head Quarters. The best initiatives will be awarded a prize as follows:

1st most original and best contribution - 300 Euros

2nd most original and best contribution . 200 Euros

3rd most original and best contribution . 100 Euros

All information, requirements, memory formats etc. are available on our website at the dedicated page:...

Webinar- PK/PD relationships of anticancer agents: Could nanoparticles change the game?

Dear COSTers,

As part of the Working Group #4 activities, it is our pleasure to invite you to attend the next webinar of our Action that will be held on Thursday 21 April at 15h CET.

The webinar: PK/PD relationships of anticancer agents: Could nanoparticles change the game? will be presented by Prof. Joseph Ciccolini, a KOL in pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and pharmacometrics in oncology.

We wait for you!

To access the meeting click here.

Pr Joseph Ciccolini, Pharm.D. Ph.D., is Full Professor of Pharmacokinetics at Aix Marseille University and Clinical Pharmacologist at La Timone University Hospital of Marseille...

Webinar by Prof. Shen on Transcytosic Nanomedicine for EPR-Independent Cancer Treatment

Dear COSTers,
you are all invited to follow the webinar entitled "Transcytosic Nanomedicine for EPR-Independent Cancer Treatment" that will be given by Prof. Youqing SHEN from  Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China on Monday April 11 at 10h30 am (CET). The webinar webinar abstract and the speaker profile can be found at the bottom of the page.

The link and passcode to the webinar are available below:

Zoom link:


Meeting ID: 868 6308 4642

Passcode: 331758


The enhanced permeability and retention (EPR) effect or so-called “passive tumor accumulation” has been the basis for design of cancer...

New Science and the Action Seminars scheduled

Science and the Action!

Dear COSTers,
another SATA seminar is scheduled on May 27, 2022 at 3 pm CET. Dr. Ling Peng from the Centre Interdisciplinaire de Nanoscience de Marseille, Aix-Marseille University will talk to us about "Modular and adaptive self-assembling dendrimer nanosystems for biomedical applications".

The link to the event and the relevant reminders will be sent to you all, and will also available on this website and our social media.

You are all invited to participate.

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Funded by the European Union