Dear COSTers,
We have decided to launch the Science and the Action series of event in order to foster and promote Action networking, knowledge exchange and general activity.
Science and the Action will be a bi-weekly 1-hour online series of seminars proffered by ACTION MC and/or any Action Member (young researchers and Innovators most welcome)
These events are scheduled every 1st and 3rd Friday from 3 to 4 pm
Each presentation (about 30 minutes, followed by Q&A) may consist in: report of scientific activity/results, seminar on specific technique(s), laboratory presentation…etc.
The events will be organized by the Action Chair and Vice-Chair (Dr Nazende Günday Türeli) along with a Scientific/ Organizing Committee to be selected among Young Researchers/Innovators
The call for Science and the Action Scientific/Organizing committee is now open! Please spread the voice!
Most importantly, you are strongly encouraged to send both your contribution (title and preferred date) to (AND CC to ) starting TODAY!
All Young researchers/Innovators can further communicate their intention to be part of the Science and the Action Scientific/Organizing Committe to (AND CC to ) starting TODAY!
Join us and contribute!